The weakening C-clip for the extractors has been a common issue for many years. The clip essentially acts as a spring to keep tension on the extractors, and like most springs they wear over time and lose some of their rate. As for why the Savage's have the problem and others that use a similar design don't is anyone's guess, but I would imagine it likely has to do with the material being used for the C-clip or the heat treat on it.

As for the CS rep saying if the engineers thought it was needed a 2nd clip they would have designed it that way, just remember they are phone jockeys making a little over minimum wage and generally have little to know actual firearms knowledge. Given the design dates back to the 1960's from engineers that worked for a company (Cooey) that was defunct long before Savage purchased the company that took over Cooey (Lakefield Arms), the whole statement is a little laughable.

Doubling up the clip has been a proven and time tested solution for this issue.