Don't know how I didn't see this last fall, but it's the bandwidth usage that's more the killer than it is the storage space. We're already averaging 120-130Gb of bandwidth a month as it is. High resolution is all but a waste with online images anyway. Every photo I take and edit for my articles is at reduced to 72dpi and 1200x800 or 1024x768 pixels in size to keep the file size small and minimize bandwidth usage. File size on them rarely ever exceeds 200kb and most come in right around 100kb, The image size and visual quality is more than sufficient at those settings for online viewing.

Bronze members have a 5Mb image storage limit. So figuring 100kb per image, that's 50 images. For the forum 800x600 or 1024x768 is really all the bigger the image size needs to be anyway for the template width.