Quote Originally Posted by J.Baker View Post
I almost did that one. However, after studying the rifle's workings, I decided to try this one, I don't think that one will work, since it doesn't have the holes in the sides.


It says it's for 116C and 110C, with side release, in 7mm and 300 magnum. I checked the legth of those, and 30-06 is right in between the two, so I think it will work. I am certain I need the square holes on the sides of the magazine to work with my side release button. Other than that they look identical. I guess we shall see, as they say. Thank you guys for your help, it's not easy replacing parts that you have never actually seen, it requires a lot educated guesswork, and good luck. I have come up against worse, though, I have a MkIII 22/45 I call "Humpty Dumpty" because it came to me as a grocery bag full of loose parts, including everything in the frame. Well, not exactly everything, a couple of bits were missing. But it's a great gun, now. I have faith I can resolve this rifle.
Then it gets the bolt job, the bolt action on this gun is entirely too tight. Thanks to you guys, and some reading on my part, I know what that's all about already.