Have had a Pelican/Storm-Hardigg IM3300 case for 10+ years now. Great case, but heavy - which is why I rarely use it. The small wheels on one end are nice though as you can pull it like a piece of luggage rather than have to carry it.

Also have a couple of the Plano All Weather Tactical cases (42") that are nice. No wheels on these, but this case isn't as heavy as the Pelican due to the plastic being thinner. Good case for day-to-day use and has good latches with keyed locks, but not sure if I'd trust it to be "airline gorilla baggage handler proof" due to the thinner material.

Here's the 51" version though I wouldn't try to put two scoped boilt-action rifles in it. I tried that with my IM3300 when I first got it - leaves very little foam between scope and outer edge of case and replacement foam is almost as expensive as the case itself.