Sons model 12FV, 223, 9 twist; 52g HP Sierra, 53g Hornaday V-Max both love IMR-3031 at about 3250 fps. Real tack driver and 4 inch clays at 500 yds are easy peasy. For the 69 g SMK and TMK, we find 8208XBR works pretty well at 750 yds. N133 is good for this weight range too.

I find Varget to be very dirty burning in the 223 with the lighter bullets, not quite optimum combustion efficiency I suspect, same with CFE223, very sooty. If you lean towards the faster burning side of the scale, especially with the lighter bullets, I think you'll find a good combination of speed and accuracy. The 223 seems to like just about any powder. Which one shoots best for you is anyones guess.