Quote Originally Posted by swamphonkey View Post
Well good luck and don't get discouraged if you don't get him. Remember you are in a great state for deer hunting and anything can happen at anytime. Have FUN FIRST.. I see a lot of new guys and gals get discouraged because they don't kill a booner. And I've heard people say it's" just a doe" Every deer is wonderful. No matter what. I have fun and if I get a big buck that's just great but I'm happy taking a big old doe just as much. It's like this trophy hunting has taken the FUN out of it. And when did hunting become a "Team" sport. What a joke.. Hunt learn and have a good time and respect every kill and good luck.
Well think about it, the term (team) can actually be used quite often.
Do well trained dogs create a team? Do groups of people doing deer drives create a team?
And, if we were to remove all other deer hunters from any area except us, could the odds diminish?
More hunters usually equals a better success ratio.