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Thread: SSS action truing experience

  1. #1
    Team Savage
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    SSS action truing experience

    I dont know exactly where to post this but Ill put it here and it can be moved if needed. My thinking is that people that are in the process of building may be more apt to be considering sending their actions off to be trued. I had read several threads about Sharp shooter supply truing actions with pretty good reviews, that is once they actually got it back. It seemed that the extremely long wait was the main complaint from most everyone. But after getting them back, it seemed most were very pleased with the function. I am beginning to believe that they keep them so long that you forget how they USED to function. Any way, my story:

    I contacted SSS and spoke to Lisa end of last year. I specifically asked about the turn around time. Since I had just built a couple rifles I thought it was no big deal to have two rifles pulled apart for a bit. One thing that struck me as a move in the right direction was making it
    necessary to have a reservation to have the work done. She said that I wouldnt be sending them in until he is ready to get started there by reducing the time they would be down.

    Ok, great! She said it would be 4 to 6 weeks to get them done and back to me. Perfectly fine. I have a lot of shooting to do on these two new rifles and wouldnt miss them any how. So I had a date of first week in March. I paid a local gun smith to tear them down. A couple weeks into it there was a death in the family. I recently lost both parents so I understand. If memory serves me, that was just over 6 weeks ago after they already had them a few weeks. I cant seem to get an eta out of them and we are quickly approaching 90 days.

    Im not terribly upset or anything although slightly mislead up front. I had been warned after all. The point of this thread is to warn others
    that it takes much longer than advertised to have this service done. So if you cant be with out your rifle for MONTHS...... Dont do it!

    I had purchased two competition triggers a couple months before I sent in my actions and never got them. I told Lisa to just install them on my actions since they would be down there any how. Luckily I have a couple other MAIN rifles that have my full attention right now but I always liked pulling out the 338 at the end of every session and putting a few rounds down range.

    So be warned.

  2. #2
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    I had always heard the same thing. One time I needed a part ASAP for a match the following day. Bolt part or something and they were the only ones that had it. They overnighted it for me and got it to me on time. My post office even called me in the afternoon because it came in late and our postmaster was a pistol shooter and figured something like this on a Friday afternoon had to be important. I know its not related to the action truing services but I figured I would throw out a good experience I had.

    Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Basic Member Robinhood's Avatar
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    You are only a month and a half out, relax. You will be very happy with the way your action works when you get it back. You will dig the trig too. Look for it sometime in August.
    The Dunning-Kruger effect is alive and well.

  4. #4
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    It is not unusual for action work to be done on a lot basis and it is not unusual to have an action at the gunsmith's for 12 to 16 weeks. Just recently had a 700 action trued and it was approaching 12 weeks. Sharpshooter took about the same amount of time for 2 of my Savage actions.

    I usually figure a year between rifle build concept and completion of load development.

    I believe you will be happy with the work from Sharpshooter.

  5. #5
    Team Savage
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    Oh Im quite sure Ill be happy. Just was trying to be sure anyone who might be thinking of sending off an action, know that it will be longer than advertised.
    Like I said, I have my competition rifles Im running right now.

    I really started liking the crisp light trigger of a single stage jewell. So the standard savage trigger no longer appealed to me. Its funny that Ruger emulated the accu trigger on their new precision rifles. It seems to work and feel exactly the same any how. I think after my daughter gets more competent with her RPR, I will be looking for a drop in single stage for that one also. Right now though, she looks pretty comfortable taking up the slack in the blade and getting good finger contact before breaking the shot. I realize that the comp trigger is not a jewell but it will be closer than the accutrigger.

    I found it to be confusing for muscle memory switching between the two on the same range day. The accu trigger for her however, builds in an additional degree of safety. When I see her having more trigger finger awareness with out having to be reminded, I will considering making the switch.

  6. #6
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    My last action only took about 3 weeks from the time I sent it off. What I did was email Lisa and ask her the best time to send my action in. Sent it in a week early, got it back 3 - 4 weeks later. This was last August.
    They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

  7. #7
    Team Savage
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    I had a "reservation" for 2 actions and was given a date to send them in. She said they started doing it this way to speed things up. Like it was said earlier. A batch at a time. My reservation was for what I thought was the batch to be started in March. Maybe not i guess. One of the reasons I like to know when they were to be done is to be sure I have the money to pay. Over time things happen and you never know. I dont like having things hang out there with unknowns. For instance I just had an unexpected surgery yesterday morning. Small thing but wasnt counting on that a month ago. I dont like the unknown. This is way deep for this thread but it sheds light on my neuralgia. lol

  8. #8
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    We sometimes can lay awake half the night planning tomorrow, and when we wake up its raining.
    It rains very often when your a one man gang operating a small business.

  9. #9
    Team Savage
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    "We sometimes can lay awake half the night planning tomorrow, and when we wake up, its raining.
    It rains very often when your a one man gang operating a small business."

    Well said!!
    What it comes down to is.... if you want it tomorrow, you should have ordered it two or three months ago.
    Oz never gave nothing to the Tin Man, that he didn't already have.

  10. #10
    Basic Member Robinhood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yobuck View Post
    We sometimes can lay awake half the night planning tomorrow, and when we wake up its raining.
    It rains very often when your a one man gang operating a small business.
    The voice of experience.
    The Dunning-Kruger effect is alive and well.

  11. #11
    Team Savage
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    This is why I love this site. Folks come by to talk you off the ledge..... or simply push you off. I get it. I was a owner of my office for 10 years then finally sold and joined a corporation. Even though it took away most of the extra stress I still take on more than I should. I not only had to deal with the business aspects but also medical legal aspect. Glad to be an employee. I respect business owners.

  12. #12
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    Just investigated the re-barreling of my 6x284 1903 Springfield that is shot out. Quoted 7 months for the barrel in 308, and 2 months for the assembling and headspacing.

    I will take 12- 16 weeks for action work any day.

  13. #13
    Team Savage
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    Yes. Agreed. I just felt bad because my local smith has all the rest of the parts at his shop and I just feel it's a burden even though it is probably no big deal.

  14. #14
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    doctnj, I would not worry. Just make sure your gunsmith doesn't have a sign reading "parts left for more than 90 days will be sold "
    just kidding I hope this turns out to be a great rifle.

  15. #15
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    I think the OP is getting dissed a bit and I think his intent was to inform not complain.

    If a service is agreed on in advance and then is late, its an issue.

    If the service is know to take a longer time then it should be stated. They should have a pretty good idea of what the load level is and a reservation should take priority over anything else.

    Just my opinion for what it is or is not worth.

    Also agreed fully on a couple of back up guns. Pretty deflating if not and you can't shoot.

  16. #16
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    I meant disrespect and I hope doctnj does not take any.

  17. #17
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    RC20, I completely agree.

    I don't understand why having expectations on an agreed upon timeframe is somehow unreasonable. I have had no interaction with SSS at all but if OP was in an agreement to have a service performed in a certain amount of time, and it was not, why is it unreasonable to be dissatisfied? I see this a lot in the firearms services industry. "Oh, it's only been 3 months, suck it up and wait". If there was an understanding and agreement on a specific timeframe then that is what was agreed. Sure, a week here or there is understandable but other than that an agreement is exactly that. Do not overcommit if you can not provide the service. Easy as that.

  18. #18
    Team Savage
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    you are exactly right. This was NEVER meant to be a complaint thread. Im just trying to pass the word. Like I said, I have other guns to shoot. It now being almost summer, I dont want someone to ship off their only rifle or one of their favorites and not know about the extended wait times involved.

    This is not my first experience with having something done to a rifle. However if it were someone else who had never been down that road, they need to be informed. There are new savage shooters every day and this topic doesnt really get discussed.

    Thanks for getting it.


  19. #19
    Team Savage
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    SSS has done work for me and I have ordered parts from Lisa. Never a problem, except the time I couldn't read my own CC numbers. T and T's both came back earlier than promised. And the work and parts are first rate.


  20. #20
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    My only experience with SSS was fantastic but that was for a stock. Quick replies from Lisa when I first inquired and was told a guesstimate 6 week wait. I had it in 4. I honestly was really worried from reading so many threads stating they'll take longer than quoted, but with my single experience I was completely satisfied with the time frame and communication.

  21. #21
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    I also had Sharp Shooters true a target action. Took 3+ months. Kept being told it would get done when "he" had a batch to do. Work was very good. I am pleased with the accuracy. Seems all shop work is back logged.

  22. #22
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    I'm in the same 'batch' that you are in. Its been quite some time now after the original 4-6 week quote. Hopefully they start to give more realistic quotes. I contacted them early in February, was told to hold off until March, so you can't put too much blame on not getting it in earlier. Just getting antsy for it to finally show up. Its funny though because my barrel from Apache keeps getting the two week treatment after an order date in Jan. Oh well, I'll just keep playing with what I already have, waiting..


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