Evening all,
I've been learning a lot since first subscribing and have now run into an issue that has me puzzled. I recently picked up an older 116 in 270 that I am cleaning up, restocking and getting ready to fit out for my son and I've run into an issue with the bolt that has me puzzled. As you can see in the pictures, it's the square action style receiver with the solid slotted bolt head. The issue is that the bolt does not rotate all the way down, leaving the bolt handle sticking sort of straight out. The bolt closes and locks and if I pull the trigger it fires. I've had the bolt apart. cleaned and reassembled and it goes back together but still like in the pictures. Is something backwards...wrong bolt handle...etc?

I feel pretty dumb but I am at a loss, my other two savages are both left handed and newer...a M11 and an Axis and neither have similar bolts to compare with...any help would be appreciated.


