Yep, got the notice of your payment late last night and it now says Paid Member under your name on the left so you're all set. I'll have to look at my paypal settings to see why it's giving that email address in the receipt as it hasn't existed for more than a year and a half now. All my payment notifications and such from PayPal come to my primary PP account address which is different.

Ok, so that address was hidden away on the Business information page deep within the bowels of my PP account settings, and according to PP is intended to be the Customer Service contact according to their little pop-up guide.It's updated now to the proper current address, but it's still not the address funds should be sent to.So the lesson of the day here (for everyone else) is this: Don't send money directly via PayPal using an email address as a recipient to purchase a subscription. The means to purchase a membership is built into the site software so just follow the simple directions provided in the Membership Info link at the top of any page.