My son recently bought a very accurate .270 in a Stevens 200. i mean to tell ya, this thing shoots. He is shooting a load that SHOULD be considered mild, BUT, it seems that the primers are very flat after firing, but NOT dimpled. Extraction is very easy, and resizing is very easy. I have changed primers, and powders to see if the load is to hot and tried different seat depths, and ALWAYS come out with flat primers. In any other rifle, it would scream "high pressure", but I don't seem to have any other indicators other than that. This thing shoots .750 groups at 100, and 1.5 inch groups at 350 yds. That is the only thing that sticks in my mind. There are no other pressure signs. has anyone seen this before. Could it be the bolt head design? I have tried to eliminate the usual possibilities, such as powders, loads, seat depths etc. Any thoughts? 7STW