A young man was walking in a park one day and came across an elderly man crying on a bench.

Puzzled, he asked the old man why he was crying...

The old man replied "I'm 84 years old, I have 5 million dollars and live in a beautiful home. I am married to a 24 year old underwear model who makes me breakfast every day, gives me a blue pill and makes love to me for an hour before she leaves for work. Then I come here and feed the pigeons. When I go home she makes me dinner, pours me a bath, and gives me another blue pill and we make love for two hours. Then I go to sleep and do it all over again"

The young man is amazed by the old man's great life, but is now even more puzzled and says "Well that sounds awesome! what in the world are you crying about!?"

The old man wipes a tear from his eye, sighs, and says "I forgot where I live"