I started the cuts on the Left-Side.
This is a nerve wracking thing...because each new step involves the risk of mistakes or mechanical failures that could ruin all the work so far.
Also, this is the Roughing operation that will remove the back bottom corner - which is used as the zero point for this operation.
Once you hit go on this portion - there is no going back.

I usually stand and watch the machine or go to the other side of the basement to my desk to prep the next batch of code.
While doing the CAM work for the finishing operations, I could hear the Router working harder than it should be.

It just didn't sound right. I stopped the CNC machine during the next clear moment (when it is moving to the next area to cut).
Upon closer inspection, it seems the Router Bit had begun to walk out of the collet...making the cuts deeper than they should be. This explained the router bogging down...

I noted the line of code that the machine was currently on so that I could return to that point.
I moved the table manually and reset the bit height. Technically, I loosened the collet and used the Z-axis to push the bit back in to where it was supposed to be - then tightened the collet.

I resumed the operation from where it left off and let it finish.

Also of note in the picture above is the missing Back Bottom Corner - which is used for the X and Y zero point for this operation.

I inspected the work from the roughing operation. The CAM is set up such that there is material left for the finishing bits to remove...hopefully the bit that walked out didnt cut deep enough to get into that margin of error.

Finally - I used this setup to mark a new ZERO-Point for future Ops.
This came in quite handy...
I had prepped the finishing passes for this section.
When I changed bits to the round one for finishing and re-zero'd the Z-axis...the CNC control computer shut off.
I have been having issues with the hard-drive in it for a few years. Maybe at some point I'll get to fixing the issue.
Regardless, as it was late, I left the machine in this state and decided to tackle some more on another day.