Time behind the gun? Let's just say it could be measured with a timepiece, not a calendar. But I learned to shoot before I was 10, and have always owned firearms. Hunted (waterfowl) for some years, But this is my first foray into target shooting with purpose. Mostly as a post retirement hobby, since I don't fly anymore and it's too frigg'n hot here in Texas to spend my afternoons building airplanes in a hot hangar! LOL

Yes, they do allow sleds at my local range. They provide sandbags too, and I prefer to shoot with front and rear bags and not use my bipod. The gun shoots! Probably a lot better than I do, but I do read and apply what I learn, and am improving in no small way due to you guys and your vast experience, not to mention willingness to share. So please except my many thanks for all your suggestions and critiques, and willingness to read my stupid questions

Tuesday it's off to the range to try a new load with 8208XBR. Supposed to be less sensitive to temperature changes.