I've been married to the same woman for 32 years. She's not as gullible as she once was, but she still surprises me now and then.
When we were first married, I'd tell her things like "you get better mileage heading South because you're going downhill"....."Oh, OK, that makes sense"

Or the first one, when she asked "which way should I cut this cantaloupe?"
"well honey, you have to cut it vertically or there won't be a hole in the middle"....."Oh, OK, that makes sense"

I lost count of these tidbits of wisdom that I would impart on her over the years, but she came up with a classic the other night.

I'm watching the NBA finals on the big screen TV, which she wasn't happy about. The announcer says "and that's the end of the 3rd quarter"
Too which my wife replies, "well how many quarters are there in a basketball game?"

She's a good cook :)