I have gotten better with snakes but not a whole lot. They scare the crap outta me when I first notice them. Then when the adrenaline level comes back down I release my self from the 10 foot high branch I jumped up to and determine what kind of snake. If it is non pisoness (yea spelled wrong) and NOT coming at me or striking, gets a pass. If it strikes, chases me, geta a bullet or 3. Snakeseason got cci snakeshot in the PF9, it cycles. Sometimes got slugs instead and takes a few more shots. Big blackishdarkish bugger came out the pond and chasing me, mussa been 7 feet easy, didn't know if kingsnake or cottonmouth, 3rd slug took it's head off but it had covered 40 feet and was very close. Why? I dunno, shoulderless vermin from hell don't need a reason! Buddy was 100 yards away and still running.