Quote Originally Posted by DT400 View Post
Between 1-2-14 and 1-11-14 I removed all of the copper fouling using a nylon bristle brush and verified a clean patch before figuring I had all of the copper removed.
I would say we found the problem right there. Your not getting the hard carbon out, copper is the least of your worries. If you keep going this route you will soon find that the bullets will start to keyhole. I find that most accuracy problems come down to one of two things. Bad scope, and improper cleaning.

To start, copper is the easiest thing to remove and it can be done with plane old ammonia bought at a grocery store. The thing is where accuracy problem lie is in hard carbon. The black soot that comes out when you fist run a patch through is not hard carbon, it is soot. Unless your using a bronze brush, and good cleaning solvents you will never get hard carbon out. Think of hard carbon like this, it is partway a diamond. I recommend you clean the barrel with Remington 40x cleaner, or some other form of mild abrasive like JB bore paste. Use a good solvent like Butches, Sweets, Shooters choice, and a bronze brush. After the barrel is clean you will have to shoot a few shots to season the barrel back in. I found that a lightly fouled condition is where factory Savage barrels preform their best.

Moving on just because a scope is new, or a certain name brand doesn't mean it is not bad, and just because it has not been bumped doesn't mean that it cant go bad. So keep that in mind.
Good luck