I tried everything to get the darn BAS off my 10 BA stealth bolt, I am a pretty big and strong fella and no go, standing on it with two feet (300lbs) while pushing a 45 lbs Olympic weight plate down on the bolt handle, no go. YouTubers just left the bolt in the gun for "leverage" but they did say it "would not be this easy if it was the first time" Talk about an understatement! Ridiculously, super, hulk-like tight! So finally but the bolt in my 35-pound Pony heavy-duty vice with pipe jaws protected bolt body with leather wrap and whacked bolt handle with a 6-pound hammer a bunch of times. Then and only then did it give. No damage to bolt, thank God. That thing can take a nuke, I'm sure now. I don't understand why it needs to be so **** tight.