A lot of guys on here seem to think the "steal of a deal at the pawn shop" price should be the price by which all used Savages are sold. Sorry to burst their bubbles but that just ain't gonna happen! Fair market price is dictated by two things: 1) the price of a similar new item (i.e. a similarly featured new Savage rifle), and 2) the condition of said item.

The new price is really what sets the tone because that's the direct competition to the used option. When the price of the new gun goes up it brings the price of used guns up with it. The tight-wads amongst us will adamantly argue against that fact and they will do so until they're blue in the face, but at the end of the day that's still how it's going to work. If we used their flawed way of thinking (that if it was a $300 gun 10 years ago when it was new then there's no way I'm going to pay any more than $200 for a used one today) there would literally be thousands of Savage 110's out there from the 1960's selling for less than $100. Why? Because the 110 model number is based on the fact that that's what the original MSRP was for a Savage 110 - $109.99.

Why do you think an 8-10 year old used pick-up with over 100,000 miles still commands a price $10-20,000 these days when just 20 years ago such a truck would have sold for maybe $5-10,000? It's because today a new truck will set you back $30-60,000 whereas 20 years ago the price was in the $15-30,000 range. If the price of new more than doubles then the price of used is going to more than double as well.