Quote Originally Posted by Ducatiman
Hey guys, I apologize, I didn't realize I was gonna have to do stupid human tricks and jump through hoops to join "photobucket" just to add a pic. What kinda bass akwards gent set this forum up?

You will have to take my word for it, this rifle came out beautiful. If you want some pics, PM me with your email address and I will forward.

I guess I would be that "bass akward gent" who set up the forum. The two main reasons we don't allow direct uploads to our server are:

1. bandwidth and storage space costs money, and hosting everyone's photo's would necessitate our greatly increasing out limits which in turn would substantially increase what it costs to run the site. And given how a great number of people can't figure out how to resize their pic's, hosting them would inevitably result in a significant decrease in site performance (page load speed).

2. 99% of the pic's posted online are in JPG format, and it's extremely easy to embed a virus into a JPG file. As such, allowing people to upload photo's to our server would put it and all of it's content at great risk of being infected and/or lost depending on the complexity of the virus and what all it targets.

On the other hand, Photobucket and similar image hosting sites) is free, it's extremely easy to use, and it works extremely well.