The first time I disassembled my bolt I was able to get the bolt assembly screw loose using an Allen key with the bolt still in the receiver. When I reassembled the bolt I once again tightened the bolt assembly screw with the bolt in the receiver. At the time it was the best way I could get the proper leverage. Last month I noticed that the action seemed to be really smooth and loose. I then discovered that the bolt assembly screw was loose.. I was able to turn it with my fingers. I went ahead and tightened it back down and now it seems much stiffer then I remember it ever being.

Now for my questions:

1) Is it bad to tighten or loosen the assembly bolt screw with the bolt in the receiver?

2) Is it dangerous to shoot the rifle with a loose assembly bolt?

3) Do you think I need to loosen it just a tad? How tight should these be?
