helo - I'm sure it's well within the capabilities of the barrel, components & shooter. I'm not much of a max velocity sort. I'm quite content with keeping them flat & tight. I'm not an real enthusiastic about the caliber. I have way too much fun with other calibers.
Besides, the current barrel will soon be a memory & it's on to the next which will probably shoot better since it's brand new.
Maybe then I'll take more of an interst in the caliber. Complicate that I just bought a .223 WSSM of another member & I'm looking forward to that being my new play toy... ya know, just like the kids. Can't live without it.. I'm gonna DIE if I don't have one... I really need one. And then, it happens. Another caliber captures your interest & it's starts all over again.
It's the Savage / Addiction /OCD way I tell ya...

Good luck & good shooting to you..
Frank in Fla