My son will turn three in a couple of month, and while he is still too young to learn these things it seems he is growing so fast I better get ready. So, I was thinking about things I would like to teach him as he grows up, and thought I would ask for some input from you guys. It sure don't seem like many boys are being taught to be a man any more. Here is a list that I came up with so far. These are just physical skills and not concepts like honor, respect, integrity... that is a whole other list all together.

Firearms safety and how to shoot a rifle, pistol, and shotgun with iron sights and scopes.
How to build a fire and different ways to start a fire
Map reading and nav with a compass
How to tie a few knots, I'm no sailor or boy scout but do know a few that come in handy
How to swim
How to clean, butcher, and prepare wild game
Basic home and auto maintenance
How to sharpen a knife
How to grow a garden
How to reload
How to cook for himself

My dad never did spend much time teaching me a whole lot, so most stuff I know I learned by trial and a whole lot of error. I'm just hopeing to give my boy a little better start than I had. So what are some things you taught you son, were taught growing up, or wish you had been taught?