A few questions about reassembling a bolt.

I have adjusted the firing pin stop nut to provide the correct amount of firing pin protrusion.
What should I consider when I adjust the cocking piece (the round piece that threads onto the back of the firing pin and through which is the hole into which the cocking pin is inserted)?
- I presume that I don't want the cocking pin to bottom out on the cocking ramp when the rifle is fired as the firing pin stop nut should limit the forward movement of the firing pin. (Is this presumption correct?)
- The more I back it off the cocking piece, the easier it is to get over the "hump" in the cocking ramp (easier bolt lift), but that also takes some of the pressure off the firing pin spring.
- So...what is the methodology for setting the cocking piece at its optimal distance? Any suggestions?


In this diagram, from the Numrich website,
the cocking piece is part 11B
the cocking pin is 12A
the firing pin stop nut is 11F