Werewolf: I think we have a fundamental difference of thought process and without calling you "wrong" allow me to debate you on the matter:

Take a lump of wood, say a nice 4"x4"x48" block of it (768 cubic inches). Now chop off 1% of the wood (7.7 cubic inches). It's actually quite a lot of wood you have there. If you didn't have to take off more than a few cubic inches in total then your concept of what you thought you were getting was flawed and that's a matter that you need to deal with.

If you were expecting bolt-in or anything like it you expected too much. You're buying wood that looks like a stock and is cut very well for the action intended but it's not ready until YOU DO SOME WORK. Period. 99% is not complete. It means you have work to do unless you luck the hell out. Griping about it doesn't make you right. 1 Guy in history was probably able to just drop his action in to an RMF 99% and that's enough to say "little or no handwork" and they're still right because you might just luck out (you might also win the lottery). If you've ever made a complete stock from a blank you know that hours and hours ain't jack squat. When you have 150 man hours into a stock then start griping. If your stock doesn't say "100% finished" then it ain't and you do a disservice to all of the DIY community making us look like griping old women expecting finished cabinetry when we ordered profiled lumber. Would you rather send back 3 stocks that are cut too loose to get one with proper wood to metal fit or would you rather have a good job done on the first one and have to be the one to do it?

Now you are 100% right in a manner of speaking on the CS and the fact that there's no excuse for doing that but again, like the man said: They don't care nor do they have to because we're not their core customer and we can go screw ourselves while they serve their core customer. I applaud them for knowing where their bread is buttered and where it's not. At least they're not trying to serve two masters.

As for pics of unfinished stocks: Why? Why show you the worst they'll look in a way that they're not intended to be used? I wanted to know how they'd finish up when I bought.

There, done debating. Don't get mad as this was not an attack. Please though, debate.