I have received the locked in schedule for 2012 for Factoryville Pa. Smallbore Silhouette matches. Their website Factoryville Sportsmen's Club http://www.fscweb.org/

The SBS section can be viewed for more detailed information on what's happening, scores, directions, etc. http://www.fscweb.org/2012%20sb%20flyer%20word.htm along with a new photo album of our range and shoots.

Note that on the website schedule, April is listed as the 8th, it is actually the 22nd due to Easter Sunday.

Below is the beginning of the 2012 season thread:

"Shooting certificates" for Match winner will be issued to top scorer in each Division and shooter class:

And to the overall highest shooter of the Division:

Will bump the thread as the time nears for anyone interested....