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02-10-2023, 01:41 PM
I searched a bit and found some older posts on aftermarket triggers for the 110s.
I have used a rifle basics and it was ok but frustrating to get it working.
Was a review ever done on the Jard?
I see Elftman has a new trigger also. I'm not a bench rest shooter but a nice 1~1.5 lb trigger works for me.

02-10-2023, 03:19 PM
For 1 1/4 to 1 1/2#’s, I use and recommend the Elftmann. Simple and Safe.

02-10-2023, 03:36 PM
I have older 110s with the upper release. Would this be an issue? Is the old sear reused?

Dave Hoback
02-10-2023, 03:45 PM
For the most part, all the aftermarket triggers are about the same. Regardless of peoples favorites, or the thinking that such & such works better than who’s it jammer…, they are about equal as the all use the factory Sear. You will have better results with any one of them if you dress the Sear prior to install.

Now Jard did it right. They included a Billet steel, machined Sear. I was very optimistic when it was released. However, the Jard came with its own intrinsic set of problems. I believe they can be modified to perform much better, but who wants to spend $200+ to then have to go and work on it some more to function best?

I’d a fan of Safe-Action triggers, hence I like the Accutrigger. But it was always missing the Sear & overtravel adjustments. However, a company has released a n Accutrigger-style replacement, with aforementioned features & a straight trigger. I’ll likely grab one of these in light of TriggerTech not planning anything at least until the end of 2024. But I still haven’t jumped. Here’s my issue: is it worth spending $150-$200 for an aftermarket trigger when I can work a factory trigger to witching 90% of the performance? So far, the answer for me is no. So we’ll see.

02-10-2023, 11:41 PM
I have the older rifle blasix SAV-2 trigger (does not look like the current one) and got it to function well with the pull around 1 lb. Not sure they sell that model any more. Have a Canjar trigger which is a set trigger that is around 6 oz. they are not made any more but is great option if you can find one. I also have a sharpshooter supply trigger (It looks like the current SAV-2 trigger) which I like but has a little heavier pull around 1.5 lb. (https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=720e27cdbd4b315290e37f32dc549de26d92c8e98548315e 60521857a596ff3fJmdvaWQ9OTA5MDk3NDAzOTQmaW10cz0xNj c2MDg1NjU2JnJndWlkPTNkZGVmYzUwLTBmM2ItNGI5Yi1iNDM4 LTZiNGVhNjUzYmNjZSZta3Q9ZW4tdXMmcHZkaWQ9MTYzNDI1&ptn=2&fclid=18a53f5c-a9bb-11ed-a16e-a262aee31a41&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9iaW5nLmNvbS9hbGluay9saW5rP3VybD1odH RwcyUzYSUyZiUyZnd3dy5lYmF5LmNvbSUyZml0bSUyZjQwMzcy NDE4MjE5NSUzZnZhciUzZDAlMjZta2V2dCUzZDElMjZta2NpZC UzZDElMjZta3JpZCUzZDcxMS01MzIwMC0xOTI1NS0wJTI2Y2Ft cGlkJTNkNTMzODc2NzYwNCUyNnRvb2xpZCUzZDIwMDA2JnNvdX JjZT1iaW5nc2hvcHBpbmcmaD04MEUzVDdZd1M2QlowaUZUVlR6 RHp4Q0gyWVdzZGRudmpnekF4SE5JRGZJJTNkJmZsaWdodHM9bm 9wZW5kaW5nJm1zY2xraWQ9MThhNTNmNWNhOWJiMTFlZGExNmVh MjYyYWVlMzFhNDE)

Texas Solo
02-11-2023, 10:25 AM
I have the Rifle Basix Sav2.
It was a pain to get working to my liking, but once done I haven't touched it in 5 years. It's still perfect.

Nor Cal Mikie
02-11-2023, 10:56 AM
Rifle Basix. (for hunting) For me? No issues and easy to install.
Rifle Basis II for bench work. Breath on it and it goes off. :eek::cool:

02-16-2023, 10:45 AM
I think you are right on the money for an older 110 the Rifle Basix would be best for hunting. Can be adjusted to be to have a crisp let off, is safe and is not benchrest light.

02-16-2023, 12:53 PM
The weak spot in the whole Savage platform is the trigger, really the pressed steel sear. The Jard is too much money and still have to be tweaked. I have Rifle Basic II and one of sharpshooter's. They are set light enough that I have to get a fingernail behind the trigger when I cycle it. Got to find out about the Elftmann.

Why don't one of you bright mechanical souls figure out how to put a 700 trigger in a Savage 10/110 for $50.00.

02-16-2023, 02:55 PM
I searched a bit and found some older posts on aftermarket triggers for the 110s.
I have used a rifle basics and it was ok but frustrating to get it working.
Was a review ever done on the Jard?
I see Elftman has a new trigger also. I'm not a bench rest shooter but a nice 1~1.5 lb trigger works for me.

Rifle Basix triggers work well, but I find them to be a little more finicky when it comes to getting them dialed in. All aftermarket triggers that offer individual adjustments for pull weight, over-travel, sear engagement, etc. can be an exercise in patience to get dialed in, the RB's are more so than others in my experience.

My Jard trigger review can be found here: http://www.savageshooters.com/content.php?535-JARD-Savage-Centerfire-Trigger-System

Haven't tried an Elfmann.

There was some scuttlebutt last fall that Trigger Tech was working on a Savage trigger, but I haven't seen or heard anything official to validate that rumor.

Dave Hoback
02-16-2023, 03:48 PM
Yeah, trigger tech is late 2024 at the earliest. Which means probably never!I was willing to give them through ‘23. But forget them, waiting until the end of ‘24 just to find out it’ll never happen. I’m grabbing one of those M-Carbo Accutrigger replacements at some point. They have exactly what the Accutrigger lacked, a Sear adjustment. Unfortunately yes, it’s still the Sear which is the weak point.

02-16-2023, 05:38 PM
I have held off getting a yard only because all my Savage rifles have the target Accutrigger that are set pretty low and all shoot great. I really want to try to keep the feel of the triggers all the same so if I change one I am thinking I would want to change them all.

03-01-2023, 07:15 PM
I picked up an elftman recently. I really like it, but has to shim my trigger guard as or it would contact the trigger and drop the firing pin. Quick fix but took some tweaking and I'm overtime quite impressed with it

03-01-2023, 08:47 PM
I picked up an elftman recently. I really like it, but has to shim my trigger guard as or it would contact the trigger and drop the firing pin. Quick fix but took some tweaking and I'm overtime quite impressed with it

I’m glad You found a solution with the Elftmann Trigger. I think it will serve You well. I’m going to assume that what was hitting in Your installation was the Shoe that is added after the barreled action is installed in the stock ?? But it could have been something else. Glad You got it figured out. I prefer the straight trigger, without the Shoe, so I don’t use it.

I am currently using an Elftmann, that I modified to break at 8 ounces, in a bench rest rifle. I did a write up a year or so ago on here, but it didn’t generate much interest. I have that trigger in a 6mmBRA that is mounted in a Boyd’s Laminate Stock, that I heavily modified. Last month I was doing load and seating depth work up on it. I ended up putting 5 shots into a 3” Orange Stick On at 600 yards. So, I would say the Elftmann Trigger did its part. But I digress. Whatever that means??

Congrats and Good Luck with Your Trigger

charlie b
03-01-2023, 09:43 PM
Other than safety issues for field use, why did release triggers not catch on for target rifles? Or electric? I kinda remember Remington trying the electric route and then dropped it but I never really heard a definitive reason.

Dave Hoback
03-01-2023, 11:25 PM
The Release & Set triggers are older technology, and the Electric triggers just seem robotic;) No, seriously at some point, with all the rifles “locked” down in rests and then if using those electric triggers, what’s the point? It’s like we keep trying to pull more & more of the HUMAN factor from our shooting.

I know there are different competition styles Benchrest, F-Class, etc. (I won’t even pretend I know much about them) But looking at modern PRS & NRL competition, Trigger Tech triggers are by FAR the favorite. Followed in the distance by Bud’ N Andy & Jewell. And the overwhelming majority use triggers between 8oz & 1lb; with 10oz or so being the overall winner. Honestly, I think far too many shooters go about triggers the wrong way. While I haven’t used them all, I’ve had some experience with some exceptional high end triggers. Even more, I’ve dedicated over 20 years to studying various trigger systems, also working on/modifying the triggers on every firearm I’ve owned & many for friends. I can absolutely say the difference between a really “good” trigger & the absolute BEST trigger in the World is very minute. Just looking at a Trigger’s operation & a mere 1/16-1/8” of trigger movement, there is no way our brains can process such micro differences our fingers are discerning. Can it make a difference in high level competition, sure, I guess. But will 99.999% of shooters even feel a difference between the two? I highly doubt it. Although you can bet money they will go On-Line and talk about how much better their NEW trigger is over their OLD, LOL! Funny thing, the level of “how much” better in a person’s mind, often seems to have a direct correlation to the price tag. ;)

Please understand these are just my observations from the last 2 decades. I’m not comparing the posts here to this. I’m speaking of mostly those new to the sport/hobby & looking to modifying their firearms. It’s very easy to get into bad habits.

03-02-2023, 09:06 AM
There are basically 3 method to improve the Savage accutrigger.
1) Adjust the accutrigger well and mine ended up a decent 2.5-3.5lb trigger. I could have been pretty happy, I think if I would of ground the trigger safety a bit more flush to the trigger face.

2) Half triggers….these give a lot more adjustability and according to others, seems to give a good trigger down to 1.25 or so lbs.

3) Full cassette trigger & sear combos. Sharpshooter used to make one that I hear was maybe the best, but he quit selling it….wish he would bring it back. Jard makes a pretty good one. Here is my basic review. LINK (https://www.savageshooters.com/showthread.php?65691-Jard-Savage-110-Centerfire-Trigger-System-Review&highlight=Jard+Centerfire) I think Jewell made a few too, but dropped out of the market too.

The JARD (https://www.savageshooters.com/content.php?535-JARD-Savage-Centerfire-Trigger-System) is about our only high end choice. Mine is down around 0.5lbs and feels pretty good!

Dave Hoback
03-02-2023, 09:17 AM
It sounds like are mixing AR15 terminology with the Savage Accutrigger, LOL.

charlie b
03-02-2023, 09:59 AM
I have used set (black powder) and release (shotgun) triggers. Just wondered why the release trigger disappeared from rifles, especially target rigs. I suspect it was a rules thing but have never seen the reason in writing. Might be that fine motor control of the finger is better in pulling than releasing.

The electric I remember something about the cost. Just don't remember much else about it. Probably a 'feel' issue with target shooters or the solenoids used upset the rifle too much? Maybe simple liability or reliability?

03-02-2023, 11:13 AM