Of course if you are shooting matches there are better choices than the classic Unertl and B&Ls, BUT nobody is shooting a classic M 70 target rifle in matches either.

You'll note the scope on my primary hinting rifle is a Nightforce 2.5-10x32 (now foolishily discontinued) with the illuminated HV reticle.

On the 338 RUM is a 4-28 IOR that's a few years old but still among the best.

Night quite sure about the click business to measure velocity, I prefer my Magneto Speed or my pal's Lab Radar.

I note our PA expert has yet to admit calling me a liar is bad manners nor has he stepped up to take my wager.

Fun to bang the keyboard, not show his massive collection of long range rifles nor any trophies.

This one will kill a standing BLM member at 600 yards if I do my part.