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Thread: Project / Build : Savage 110 MAGNUM Long Action For Rifle Chambered In .416 Remington Magnum (416 Rem Mag)

  1. #1
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    Project / Build : Savage 110 MAGNUM Long Action For Rifle Chambered In .416 Remington Magnum (416 Rem Mag)

    After purchasing my first big game rifle which is an early 1950's Remington 721 that was previously converted to a .375 H&H Mag, I ended up liking the gun so much that I'm starting a project for my next gun, a rifle chambered in .416 Rem Mag.

    I would much rather buy a completed gun but I'm seeing the manufactures had seemingly stopped production of their 416 Rem Mag as EVERY site has been saying out of stock for a WHILE now.
    Aside from that, I could never afford to hand out upfront the full cost for those guns .... Winchester 70 Safari, Remington 700, CZ 550, etc
    Yes, I've tried GunBroker for quite some time now and there is certainly a demand for those big game rifles cause I'm always outbid even after hitting the 1,200-1,300 range.
    And so in my situation it's a better way to go by building the gun even though it will cost more than if having bought a completed rifle.

    Well, I have already done a bit researching on what action to use for a .416 Rem Mag build, but unfortunately much of what I'm coming across is either not finding more-recent articles or not finding any info whereby the person provided detailed info.

    However I did come across the following:
    A) I contacted Winchester yesterday and their parts department said they WILL NOT sell their bolt action by itself and WILL ONLY sell the complete rifle.
    B) I seen people in a few forums talking of using the Mauser K98 but they were saying the .416 cartridge wont fit in the magazine compartment and therefore metal had to be machined to make space and had to be very careful of the feed ramp.
    C) I also seen mention the Remington 700 action but many people are saying the 700 is not the better way to go since the action is not quite made for the big ballz of a .416 magnum cartridge.

    So I came across a site that mainly discusses big game guns ( and eventual I got a reply to my question concerning what action to use.
    The guy said that the Savage 110 MAGNUM Long Action would be a good quality and wont put its customers in the poor house like many other manufactures are doing to its customers.

    So I'm hoping someone can provide some if not a lot of detailed information on the Savage 110 MAGNUM Long Action for a rifle to be chambered in a 416 Rem Mag

    Hopefully, much machining wont be needed but if there is some, I will be twisting my dad's arm to help. He's been a machinist for literally 51 years and refuses to retire since he doesnt want stuck at home with my mom lol but yeah he is a tough cookie when it comes to getting him to help me with projects like this.

  2. #2
    Basic Member darkker's Avatar
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    Savage barrels are held on by a jam nut, lefty-loosey-righty-tighty.

    As far as the bowls of the 416, it isn't any higher operating pressure than many rifles. And it doesn't have a magical case head size compared to many other things.

    Change the barrel, change the bolt head. It's a Savage, so even if it was simply a new day in the week you'll have to fiddle with the magazine. But you can change calibers in your garage, in 10 minutes.
    I'm a firm believer in the theory that if it bleeds, I can kill it.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkker View Post
    Savage barrels are held on by a jam nut, lefty-loosey-righty-tighty.

    As far as the bowls of the 416, it isn't any higher operating pressure than many rifles. And it doesn't have a magical case head size compared to many other things.

    Change the barrel, change the bolt head. It's a Savage, so even if it was simply a new day in the week you'll have to fiddle with the magazine. But you can change calibers in your garage, in 10 minutes.
    Yes, machining!!
    I dont have a barrel that is attached to the action for me to merely unthread a nut... In fact, I dont have the action, I dont have the barrel, I dont have the magazine assembly, and I dont have the stock.

    As I previously said, I dont have the ability to buy a whole gun.
    So I'm buying components and starting with the action and needing to know if the Savage 110 Magnum Long Action is a good one for starting the project

    From the sounds of things, youre thinking it's a good action to use for what will be a .416 Rem Mag rifle

  4. #4
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    Before you get that far, you might want to look into availability of a barrel and also the ammo or components.
    "As long as there's lead in the air....there's still hope.."

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharpshooter View Post
    Before you get that far, you might want to look into availability of a barrel and also the ammo or components.

    Thanks for the heads up but I already looked down the road to make sure the commonly-needed components and ammo is available. provides a variety of pre-fit and customized barrels for many different manufactures, and at what I would personally consider to be a reasonable cost... average of around 280.00 to 370.00 depending on how far you want to take it.
    The following link is to their barrels and services for barrels that are fitted to Savage actions:

    Concerning the availability of ammo ... although .416 Rem Mag ammo isnt at our local gun shops, can still find 20 rounds for a variety of grains for an average cost of 90.00 to 110.00,
    BUT I dont like being gouged which is why I already have the 416 Rem Mag once-fired brass, 400grain reloading bullets, magnum primers, powder, and the Lee reloading dies are next on the to-get list

  6. #6
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    So, what has been mentioned is that, yes, a Savage action would work. No machining is necessary. But, massaging a magazine will probably be required. The barrels screw on with a 'jam' nut, you just have to have the go/no-go gauges for setting headspace and the action vise (or barrel vise) and barrel nut wrench. Then buy a stock to fit your action and you are set.

  7. #7
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    Just an update on the Savage 110 Mag Long Action build for the .416 Rem Mag:

    A guy in another one of my posts, which was based on converting a Mauser K98 action into a .416 Rem Mag, had got me started in the direction of the Savage 110 Mag Long Action and he sent me the link to a popular site which offered the Savage action for the lowest price could find during an evening of searches which was 425.00 and then tax and shipping costs.

    Although that's a good price since the other bolt & receiver manufactures are gouging its customers for starting costs of around 900.00 and up into the mid 1,000 range for their long actions that are even standard featured, I need to keep the cost down as much as possible but without going seriously cheap.

    So last night I happened to be searching GunBroker and seen a seller who had the Savage 110 Mag Long Action from a gun chambered in 300 Win Mag. The seller said the gun seen very little use and based on the pictures I could see that seemed to be quite honest.... I didn't see any wear marks and the outside of the action was in very nice looking condition. He was certainly careful when removed the barrel from the action to prevent scuffing it.

    Since I dont know much when it comes to matching up components like this, I asked the seller if his bolt would currently accept a 416 Rem Mag cartridge. He sent me a link that was very helpful whereby showing the bolt face diameters which are necessary for each caliber. So I looked up the 300 Win Mag and it showed a .540 +/- for it and the .416 Rem Mag chart showed the same magnum bolt face is what's required for the 416.
    The seller also pointed out how Savage was on the ball for having provided the very nice convenience of changeable heads on their bolts .... if the current bolt head doesn't meet the requirements for the specific caliber that's going to be used, the bolt head is easily removed and a new inexpensive bolt head is installed.

    After a little more discussing with each other, I then said to myself "go ahead and see if he would be ok with dropping the cost by 25.00 since I dont know much about the Savage actions and I need to keep the costs down a much as possible due to me going into this being a bit blind and so I'm not sure of everything that could come up that would keep significantly bumping up the costs into the project." So he was initially asking 275.00 for it and then he replied "sure, I can accept 250.00 and will readjust the price in the listing". So after it was all said n done (tax n shipping), I got the Savage 110 Long Action for a little under 300.00 and the seller said he would have it shipped out no later than this coming Monday.

    Sorry. Was trying to upload a couple pictures to show the Savage action that I purchased but this site is making people have to go through the hassle of creating an account on another site to then upload our pictures to it and then copy the url from each picture on that site to this site here. Good grief NO thanks .... I been on plenty of other sites over the past few years and they had no problem letting us upload pics from our computer and then no problems after we uploaded our pictures

  8. #8
    Basic Member darkker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Country-Folk View Post
    Was trying to upload a couple pictures to show the Savage action that I purchased but this site is making people have to go through the hassle of creating an account on another site to then upload our pictures to it and then copy the url from each picture on that site to this site here. Good grief NO thanks .... I been on plenty of other sites over the past few years and they had no problem letting us upload pics from our computer and then no problems after we uploaded our pictures
    As the picture below, added from my phone clearly demonstrates. That's just not true, unless you're still developing photos in the basement.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Screenshot_20250124-203101~2.png  
    I'm a firm believer in the theory that if it bleeds, I can kill it.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkker View Post
    As the picture below, added from my phone clearly demonstrates. That's just not true, unless you're still developing photos in the basement.

    Yes it is true and so dont be a nimrod to tell me or anyone else that something's not true just because your own phone does something that someone else said they're not able to do.

    No one should care what your PHONE does since its still OBVIOUS that not everyone just uses a phone to access this forum/net, and not everyone has the same criteria within their particular phone as your phone concerning how it interacts with features on a site.

    I'm using a computer with the latest updates, all cookies are allowed for this site, and popup blocker turned off, and according to the ONLY tool box above this message box, THE ONLY OPTION FOR ADDING A PICTURE WILL ONLY ALLOW AN ADDRESS AND NO OPTION FOR BROWSING THE COMPUTER'S FILES FOR WHERE THE INDIVIDUAL'S PICTURES ARE STORED

  10. #10
    Basic Member darkker's Avatar
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_20250125-220654.jpg 
Views:	7 
Size:	89.6 KB 
ID:	11316

    Again, look at the attached photo showing the options...

    Just to prove a point, this was done from a different browser. Still the same two options
    I'm a firm believer in the theory that if it bleeds, I can kill it.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkker View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_20250125-220654.jpg 
Views:	7 
Size:	89.6 KB 
ID:	11316

    Again, look at the attached photo showing the options...

    Just to prove a point, this was done from a different browser. Still the same two options

    You need to leave and stay away from my post.

    You're only exposing how you refuse to pay attention and then you continue to cause arguments

    I already made my point perfectly clear for how I and no one else cares about your PHONE or how you're now claiming proof because you're using a different browser on your PHONE.
    Its pathetic that you dont pay attention to the OBVIOUSLY clear point having been made and then you keep trying to push your nonsense to back yourself up.

    I will copy and paste my previous comment again.
    Read it SLOWLY, and if you continue having a problem with getting the obviously clear point of how I AM ON A COMPUTER and NOT A PHONE that YOU KEEP running your mouth about it, then I just need to report you

    and so I previously said Quote:
    "Yes it is true and so dont be a nimrod to tell me or anyone else that something's not true just because your own phone does something that someone else said they're not able to do.

    No one should care what your PHONE does since its still OBVIOUS that not everyone just uses a phone to access this forum/net, and not everyone has the same criteria within their particular phone as your phone concerning how it interacts with features on a site.

    I'm using a computer with the latest updates, all cookies are allowed for this site, and popup blocker turned off, and according to the ONLY tool box above this message box, THE ONLY OPTION FOR ADDING A PICTURE WILL ONLY ALLOW AN ADDRESS AND NO OPTION FOR BROWSING THE COMPUTER'S FILES FOR WHERE THE INDIVIDUAL'S PICTURES ARE STORED"
    End Quote

  12. #12
    Administrator J.Baker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkker View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_20250125-220654.jpg 
Views:	7 
Size:	89.6 KB 
ID:	11316

    Again, look at the attached photo showing the options...

    Just to prove a point, this was done from a different browser. Still the same two options
    Sorry darkker, but Country_Folk is right in this case. Members of the New Users usergroup (those with less than 15 posts) don't have permission to upload photos to the site. Once he hit's 15 posts he'll gain that option.
    "Life' is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne
    “Under certain circumstances, 
urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” —Mark Twain

  13. #13
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    GENESIS 10:8/12…NIMROD was a MIGHTY HUNTER before the LORD. And the COLONIZER of the BABYLONIANS.

    And, My Great Great Grandfathers Name

  14. #14
    Basic Member darkker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.Baker View Post
    Members of the New Users usergroup (those with less than 15 posts) don't have permission to upload photos to the site. Once he hit's 15 posts he'll gain that option.
    Limitations on a new member makes sense. A tirade about how dumb this forum is and how it doesn't have options, does not.
    I'm a firm believer in the theory that if it bleeds, I can kill it.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkker View Post
    Limitations on a new member makes sense. A tirade about how dumb this forum is and how it doesn't have options, does not.
    Hey nimrod, the main point is that you kept running your mouth to argue by pushing the ideal that just because your phone can do a particular feature, you think that proves your point of the site lets everyone use the same feature(s).

    Furthermore there's ABSOLUTELY NO shortage of evidence over the past decade for how things show up differently on mobile phones versus what shows up for computer users who accesses the same site, and then also NO SHORTAGE of evidence that proves some of website's features work with a mobile phones but dont work the same when the site is accessed with a computer and so forth.

    Concerning the issue of a website limiting new members from uploading a pic (unless its through an image hosting site) until they make 15 posts and then can upload pics from their computer... no, that does not make sense when countless other forums let its users upload pics from their computers very soon after the user created their account.

    I shouldnt have to make 15 posts before getting the practical feature of merely putting some pics of my project IN MY OWN THEAD
    Since the site made it to work the way they did, they certainly have their reasons for it, but does not mean I or anyone else should have to agree with it.

    AND I know for a fact that I'm not going to make myself navigate around the site just to find other people's threads (or have to make posts in my own thread) so I can fulfill the site's 15-post requirement before I can then simply have the ability to show people some of my project pics IN MY OWN THREAD

    Anyways, again, just leave here and stay out of it. If you dont like someone else's opinion, go somewhere else instead of pushing your arguments

  16. #16
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    Sounds like a neat project, hope you keep us posted on the progress.

    Lots of really helpful folks here, might want to turn down the anger a little.

  17. #17
    Administrator J.Baker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Country-Folk View Post
    Hey nimrod, the main point is that you kept running your mouth to argue by pushing the ideal that just because your phone can do a particular feature, you think that proves your point of the site lets everyone use the same feature(s).

    Furthermore there's ABSOLUTELY NO shortage of evidence over the past decade for how things show up differently on mobile phones versus what shows up for computer users who accesses the same site, and then also NO SHORTAGE of evidence that proves some of website's features work with a mobile phones but dont work the same when the site is accessed with a computer and so forth.

    Concerning the issue of a website limiting new members from uploading a pic (unless its through an image hosting site) until they make 15 posts and then can upload pics from their computer... no, that does not make sense when countless other forums let its users upload pics from their computers very soon after the user created their account.

    I shouldnt have to make 15 posts before getting the practical feature of merely putting some pics of my project IN MY OWN THEAD
    Since the site made it to work the way they did, they certainly have their reasons for it, but does not mean I or anyone else should have to agree with it.

    AND I know for a fact that I'm not going to make myself navigate around the site just to find other people's threads (or have to make posts in my own thread) so I can fulfill the site's 15-post requirement before I can then simply have the ability to show people some of my project pics IN MY OWN THREAD

    Anyways, again, just leave here and stay out of it. If you dont like someone else's opinion, go somewhere else instead of pushing your arguments
    And I don't think you need to be on this site anymore with that kind of attitude. Difference between what you think and what I think is that I can actually do something to make what I think a reality. Bye-bye.
    "Life' is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne
    “Under certain circumstances, 
urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” —Mark Twain

  18. #18
    Basic Member Robinhood's Avatar
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    AND I know for a fact that I'm not going to make myself navigate around the site just to find other people's threads (or have to make posts in my own thread) so I can fulfill the site's 15-post requirement before I can then simply have the ability to show people some of my project pics IN MY OWN THREAD
    I am guessing he will navigate as a guest now.
    I am sorry, I may have mispoke.

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