I keep spares of the bolt head parts. The ejector, ejector spring and that pesky ball bearing can be hard to find :) I have adopted the idea of working on them inside a gallon plastic baggie.
Hey guys,
I lost my damn ejector spring after it bounced the ejector off my forehead and went flying in a different direction. I found the ejector, but I'm annoyed by the thought of paying $15 for a spring that I'm invariably going to find as soon as the replacement ships.
Is there anything else that works in place of it? The ejector looks a lot like an AR15's, and the diameter is just about right.
I keep spares of the bolt head parts. The ejector, ejector spring and that pesky ball bearing can be hard to find :) I have adopted the idea of working on them inside a gallon plastic baggie.
And fumbling fingers :) And not cleaning my bench or floor so I can find stuff I drop.
If a fella had the spring and ball bearing sizes or another Savage with the same bolt head, he could probably go to a good hardware store and match them up. No where near $15.
$15.00 will probably buy a sack full of em. Same for trigger springs etc...
A good wife and a steady job has ruined many a great hunter.
And they probably comes in packs of 10...then I'd never lose one ever again. When I die that 10 pack would still be there. :)