I used to have a couple sets of SSK data sheets from back in the 1990s but no longer do. If no one can help you out, there's a better-than-average chance loaddata.com will have the info you seek. But it does require a subscription.
I mistakenly carried my load data to let someone copy some of the sheets and they got wet.
anyone have SSK data for
338 Woodswalker
338 jdj #2
358 jdj
375 jdj
309 jdj
6.5 mini dreadnot
6.5 jdj
or really any others.
I used to have a couple sets of SSK data sheets from back in the 1990s but no longer do. If no one can help you out, there's a better-than-average chance loaddata.com will have the info you seek. But it does require a subscription.
I wish someone would could take the time and assemble a COMPLETE load data manual, I NEED to retire maybe then, The could part would be difficult the research alone could take a darn long time
I really wish I had kept the mini mauser barrel and a copy of the data sheet, The 30 Badger I have now is cool looking but that 30 muaser with a 165 gr bullet parked on top of it just looks that much cooler
Hornady has 6.5 Data on their website. I have JD’s limited original data on the 6 & 6.5 if you need it
One thing to keep in mind with the old data sheets from SSK: JD didn't develop and test all of these himself. Some of the loads are indeed his, but many came from his customers, so you have to take them with a grain of salt, so to speak. I recall some Re-7/6.5 JDJ loads that -- to me -- seemed quite excessive. Maybe those have been purged from the data by now, but at one time, these loads were in circulation.
And also, it is rumored that JD stretched numerous frames developing his loads. I have had to stop short of JD’s published loads because of pressure signs.
link to Hornady data https://static.hornady.media/site/ho...ata/65-jdj.pdf
I think that one was published in Handloader, but will double check to be sure....for around 20 years or so, every time i saw an article on something that looked interesting i started stashing back the printed data, but it is usually in perpetual disarray because i'll dig around and pull a page, then forget to stick it back in place.
Been trying to get motivated enough to stick all those in page protectors & save all in a big binder.
I’ve done that too with alot of pages/articles. I’m way past due to get it all organized.
my problem is that i like too many cartridges...and i started copying data & articles for stuff i didnt even own.
If i had to guess, i got 500-600 pages of load data piled up, and i tried to use a couple of big accordion folders to store all the data by cartridge, which works ok, IF i remember to put 'em back in place...and half the time i forget.
Sterilite totes with lids work well. Just gotta dig through a pile to find what you’re looking for. Ha!
1"ring binders with labels, still have trouble finding some thing if i get lazy