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Thread: Savage Customer Service? others experiences?

  1. #1
    Team Savage
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    Savage Customer Service? others experiences?

    Hi All,

    Guess, I am used to dealing with Amazon things happening overnight or even same day!

    I have a Savage 110 Storm sent back to Savage a month ago by dealer... and its just now an unknown. Have heard nothing. I know it got there by dealer pkg ups check.

    Tried calling their customer support, a number of times, go on hold, after 5 to 10 min, a msg says, "Hi call volume, call again later", then disconnect.

    Tried sending in a note via their web site (as suggested on their msg), its accepted, but no replies?

    I simply just would like some sort of estimate when it might come back...and knowing its not lost! can't get any sort of answer. Feel like that gun is just gone.

    So, wondering what others experiences are, and if this is all normal, and be the case with any this the normal M.O.?

    I am sure they are busy, but if they are that busy, shouldnt they be able to get some additional support people to help?

    Love to hear you comments.


  2. #2
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    Depends upon what kind of work needed to be done and how busy they are in the area needing to work on the fix.
    I've waited a month for a return for a minor adjustment.

    Then again, I had a new barrel fitted in a month also, including having it shot at their range to verify that it was performing.

    They always did good work, so I guess it was worth the wait.

  3. #3
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    Curious when (year?) you had that work done? It seems like in the last year or 2, these people are overwhelmed!

    This is the first time I have had something go didnt know what to expect...

  4. #4
    Administrator J.Baker's Avatar
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    Savage isn't known for having good communication, so your experience is pretty much the norm and has been for 20+ years. They really need to modernize and create an online service/RA ticket system that gives you feedback as things progress. For example...

    1. Go online and create a ticket, which will generate you a form to be filled out and includes your return authorization (RA) number.
    2. Pack up and ship your firearm to the specified address
    3. When received/scanned in at Savage the system would automatically sent you an email to let you know it's been received.
    4. Generate additional emails to update you on the progress as it happens (i.e. Tech inspected firearm; repair work completed and test fired; firearm shipped back to customer (with tracking #)).

    Plenty of software out there for businesses to do this, Savage just continues to lag behind the times on the technology front.
    "Life' is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne
    “Under certain circumstances, 
urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” —Mark Twain

  5. #5
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    Thanks, as it happens, just this afternoon finally got a reply from them via email...its in the thats good...not lost, but no ETA!

    Good to know its not just me...guess thats how it is with this stuff

  6. #6
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    My first experience with a rebarrel was in 2013. Since it was my first time, I didn't know what to expect and actually bought a new Savage to be able to keep shooting with a .308. They returned the action with the new barrel in about a month. By the way, the new barrel shot even better than the original barrel that was shot out.

    The second experience was in 2015. I had a new 12 LRP in 6.5mm CM that was showing pressure signs with every load that I used, even those that were at the low end of the load table. The rifle was incredibly accurate, but I was concerned by the high pressure signs.
    I sent them pictures of factory and hand loads annotated with the load pressure that all showed high pressure signs.
    The sent me a shipping label for me to return it. The rifle had only about 200 rounds down the barrel.
    As they did with you, they sent me a note that the rifle was received and then returned the rifle in about a month with a notation that they reamed out the chamber by a few thousands. It seems like the incoming rifles set in line waiting to be worked on. When they finally get working on them, they can move pretty quickly if the fix is simple. I believe that changing barrels or reaming chambers requires that they schedule range time to verify that their fix worked. That extends the time before return.
    My conclusion was that my chamber was reamed with a reamer that was at the end of its useful life so the chamber was tighter than spec and pressure was high with everything.
    The rifle was just as accurate on return. It is still one of my most accurate rifles, although the barrel is about at its effective life limit and is about to the point of replacing.

  7. #7
    Team Savage
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    Thanks for sharing that...good to know they stand behind their product. Looking forward to getting it back and giving it a whirl!

  8. #8
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    I bought a Savage M11 Hog Hunter In 308 Win back when they first came out, and liked It so much I bought another one In 223 Remington a few months later.
    When I tried to mount a pick rail on the 223 rem Hog Hunter I discovered that one of the mounting holes wasn't properly tapped! I called Savage Customer Service and the guy I spoked to was super helpful and arranged for UPS to pick up the rifle at my door step the next day, It took about ten days to get the rifle back. I was Impressed with that! Last week I bought a new M110 Hog Hunter In 308 Win through Davidsons and had It shipped to a local FFL. I didn't open the box to Inspect the rifle till I got home and when I opened the box I was shocked that the complete Front & Rear Sight assembly was not Installed or Inside the box! I tried to call Savage CS today but couldn't get trough (To Busy, Guess They Were Back Logged From Being On Christmas Brake) so I emailed them with my description of my Issue and received a confirmation (Number) that they are working to resolve the problem. My take Is that Savage makes so many Firearms and It's difficult to maintain strict Quality Control!. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope I get the parts sent to me so I can Install them myself!!!

  9. #9
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    I hope they do well for you.

  10. #10
    Team Savage
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    FYI - It just so happens I got another update email just today, that the "service", i guess that means repairs are completed and paper work is being done and should be sent out in a few days!

    I guess when it gets to the dealer, hopefully next week, I can see what was done if anything! Also, savage was closed for the holidays from dec 25 unitl yesterday.

    So, glad its moving, and guessing you will have the same experience....seems like they get to things, but its not like ordering from amazon and getting it the next day!

    I'll keep you posted.

  11. #11
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    I have 7 Savages and have had to deal with customer service twice. Neither time was a pleasant experience.

    First time they wouldn't sell me a firing pin spring, they said I had to have an FFL order the spring or mail the rifle to them. So take off scope, the cost to mail them back the rifle wasn't worth the aggravation or go take the time and effort to find an FFL willing to purchase a spring was absurd to me. So I waited 6 months until a $5 after market spring was available.

    I'm going through my second time right now with a Savage 110 6mm ARC that I purchased on 11/30/24. The ejector didn't eject (it's bent). It's been almost 4 weeks since I contacted Savage using their message system and nothing but crickets. I purchased an after market ejector and spring and have fixed the issue myself. I updated my message and asked them to reimburse me for the parts, told them my labor would be free - my guess is they will not. Like you, have called and get hung up on.

    So I have no faith in their customer service.

  12. #12
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    Hi, well I just got the gun back yesterday from savage via the dealer. Did a quick test with 2 cartridges I prepared ( no pwder or primer) and all was good! They reamed and polished the barrel. So obviously there was something up...

    Definately felt the difference. Still need to do a real firing test at the range...

    I had tried also with calling the phone support...and that was kind of useless. Did then send a message via their web site, and did get some feedback.
    so that was good.

    I had brought this back mid Nov...and got it back Jan 9

    From doing some searches on line got the impression this support handling is typical of all the gun manufacturers....I think they are just overwhelmed!

    Hopefully I wont need any other support ... for a while!

    Luckily you could buy a small part and fix your problem...

    My case, this was a brand new I needed them to look at what the problem was...and cover with warranty. Well thats ok, but you will need to wait min one or two months! I have seen on line some people waiting 6 months+ ! thats just seems crazy...

    So if it does get sent prepared to wait a while...not much you can do except fix things yourself if you can.

  13. #13
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    Sent in a rifle couple of weeks ago.
    Have requested an update but so far not a word.
    Would be nice to know if they even received it.
    Just a yes or no would be fine.
    And yes,I tried the phone thing and that was a waste of time.

  14. #14
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    use their online messaging via their web site...they seem to eventually respond. I really do believe they are overwhelmed. You would think they might hire a few extra people to help with the support. I had the same feeling the first month...just let me know you actually got it! There was never any answering using the forget that. I was pleasantly suprised though with the online responses, was close to 7 weeks though.... It did seem to all work out. Need a lotta patiience!

  15. #15
    Administrator J.Baker's Avatar
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    I think they're having a real hard time keeping people to work the phones. The cost of living is pretty high in New England and it's a low paying entry level position, and having worked the tech lines at Jeg's Performance years ago I can tell you sitting in a cubicle answering a phone for 8-hours a day isn't much fun. At least in that job I could B.S. with the callers about their cars and what they were doing so it wasn't as mundane and mind numbing as it could have been, but after about 6-months I couldn't take it anymore and transferred out to the retail floor.
    "Life' is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne
    “Under certain circumstances, 
urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” —Mark Twain

  16. #16
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    8 hours answering phone calls for customers in cube...I am sure that is not so fun after a few days!

    One thing to help, would be something like the following:

    1. They recieve the firearm for repair. It gets logged into their system. It can be referenced by its serial #, and other info.
    2. The outside customer sets up up a savage acct on their website.
    3. The outside customer can now search for their firearm, with their name, serial number or some other info.
    4. As the firearm gets processed along the way in their system, updates of status are added to the record .
    5. The customer could then see where things are, any notes what is being done, if parts need ordering, etimates of time, costs, etc...
    6. Firearm is repaired...status sent about shipping info ( this part did already for me at completion- 7 weeks later).

    This would bypass customer support for most of this use, allowing a customer to know the firearm isnt lost and waiting to hear something!
    I'm guessing they have all this info already being managed internally....they need to expose some of it for customer review.
    This would work for all the manufacturers.

    Crazy things happen and would still need some customer support...but I think this would help them and the customer.

    The thing is, its not like sending something back to amazon...its a gun, and legal stuff surrounds it!
    It would be nice to know where this thing is with your name attached to it, instead of just hoping to hear something and not knowing where it is for weeks! To me, thats really not acceptable.
    However, thats all there is at the moment.

  17. #17
    Administrator J.Baker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brccd View Post
    8 hours answering phone calls for customers in cube...I am sure that is not so fun after a few days!

    One thing to help, would be something like the following:

    1. They recieve the firearm for repair. It gets logged into their system. It can be referenced by its serial #, and other info.
    2. The outside customer sets up up a savage acct on their website.
    3. The outside customer can now search for their firearm, with their name, serial number or some other info.
    4. As the firearm gets processed along the way in their system, updates of status are added to the record .
    5. The customer could then see where things are, any notes what is being done, if parts need ordering, etimates of time, costs, etc...
    6. Firearm is repaired...status sent about shipping info ( this part did already for me at completion- 7 weeks later).

    This would bypass customer support for most of this use, allowing a customer to know the firearm isnt lost and waiting to hear something!
    I'm guessing they have all this info already being managed internally....they need to expose some of it for customer review.
    This would work for all the manufacturers.

    Crazy things happen and would still need some customer support...but I think this would help them and the customer.

    The thing is, its not like sending something back to amazon...its a gun, and legal stuff surrounds it!
    It would be nice to know where this thing is with your name attached to it, instead of just hoping to hear something and not knowing where it is for weeks! To me, thats really not acceptable.
    However, thats all there is at the moment.
    Same thing as I said above - a basic ticketing system with email notifications as it progresses.
    "Life' is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne
    “Under certain circumstances, 
urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” —Mark Twain

  18. #18
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    The worst part is not knowing if they even received it.
    Come on ,it only takes a minute to acknowledge if it was received.

  19. #19
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    If they had a system that was even 10 years old it would do the work for them. Just scan the return authorization label when it arrives and the system sends out an update email.

  20. #20
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    I put in a request 36 days ago for a NIB 110 Tactical bent ejector, so bent there was no spring in the spring. Crickets so far; haven't even acknowledge the request. Savage customer service is pathetic. I order an aftermarket spring and ejector and had to fix the poor manufacturing QC. This will be my final Savage that I purchase.

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