Sounds like your doing it right to me. Never had to get right into the tension strength on any of mine (knock wood) but from the video's it looks like a nightmare.
First off thank you for allowing me to join!
After many years of looking at the Savage Model 99 and discussions with my dad I finally purchased one in 300 Savage.
Question for the group is now that I own one how do you properly load the rotary magazine? From what I have found so far in loading mine I need to load the first round by inserting it base first to engage the rotary magazine to allow it to rotate then push down to fully seat the rest of the cartridge. Is this correct or am i missing something? Once the first round is in the other rounds can be loading by just dropping in and pushing down.
I did have issues with cartridges feeding but after an internet search found out how to add tensions to the rotary magazine spring. It feeds great now.
Thank you in advance for any thoughts or direction.
Sounds like your doing it right to me. Never had to get right into the tension strength on any of mine (knock wood) but from the video's it looks like a nightmare.
Savage- "never say never".
Thank you Mad Dog!