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Thread: Weird coyote color variant

  1. #1
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    Weird coyote color variant

    I've probably shot over 200 coyotes in my life and I've never seen this color variant. It looks like it has a lot of dog in its ancestry. This one and his/her mate have been roaming my property this week.


    One rifle, one planet, Holland's 375

  2. #2
    Basic Member Robinhood's Avatar
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    Wow. I would have mistaken it for a neighbors dog. It is clear that it is running with bad company.
    I am sorry, I may have mispoke.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Blue Avenger's Avatar
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    Had a pup like that, Mom was a red and black hound. Friendly to anyone that did not ring the door bell! LOL You could just walk in and be best friends, but touch the door bell and she was coming for you
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  4. #4
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    I called one in like that last year, looked like a coyote sheltie or Aussie cross, I let it walk

  5. #5
    New Member
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    Wow, that's weird. I've talked to people that have seen ones like that but, never seen one personally.

  6. #6
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    It showed up again last week but at night, you can tell it's the same one from its size. There's a second photo taken from the same camera of a regular sized coyote.


    One rifle, one planet, Holland's 375

  7. #7
    Team Savage wbm's Avatar
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    My part of New Mexico we call the mix breeds "Coydogs". In South Carolina, where they are trapped on hunting plantations the mixes are quite common. Saw one last year that was mix of lab and coyote.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by wbm View Post
    My part of New Mexico we call the mix breeds "Coydogs". In South Carolina, where they are trapped on hunting plantations the mixes are quite common. Saw one last year that was mix of lab and coyote.
    I shot one near Ganado about 30 years ago during a Coyote hunting contest the tribe put on. He was light colored and came running into a Circe Cottontail call like he hadn't eaten in a month.

  9. #9
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    That's definitely a coy-dog. I killed one about 35 yrs ago that was all white. My buddy spotted it when we were on our way to a woodchuck honey hole. He jokingly said it was an "albino coyote", just thinking it was a dog.
    When I spotted it, I took note of it's of it's mannerisms and the way it held it's tail when it ran. I told him," That IS a coyote, NOT a dog". And that's when the chase began.
    "As long as there's lead in the air....there's still hope.."

  10. #10
    Team Savage
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    That would be a trophy for sure. Seldom do you see collie striped yotes unless they have a black coat.

    Of the near 7,000 yotes I have killed in my lifetime, I can honestly say I have never confirmed a coydog. Yet some do look that way with short noses, stubby ears, weird colors from jet black to almost dalmatian spots on the rear. Some were huge almost 45lbs to late season pups that were barely 18. Mind you I trap the plains mostly and there is about a zillion to one chance a yote would breed with a cow dog. Cowdogs just hate them although a few times in a ten year period they do play a game of tag with a yote pup that shows in a ranch yard.

    Heres one I caught a two years ago that has a smile and dog looking face. Note how short the snout is and how small the ears are.


  11. #11
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    The white one I shot was the same way...real blocky looking face. I was only 10 yards away from it when he spotted me and just stood there. I looked real hard and thought it may be possible it's a pet, but when it turned and ran, I realized I just gave up a pud shot. We ran it another 3 sections and I ended up taking it @ 275 yds coming out of a ditch with my .17 Mach 4.
    I didn't find a collar on that ***** so we called it legit!
    "As long as there's lead in the air....there's still hope.."

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