You are doing your part. Good job Shoots100
Oct 1st Opening week started off slow with only two dogs dropped, but ended with two dogs taken off of one property Sunday PM.
Of course my X50 scope that's been working flawless crapped out before I could download any videos.
Hopefully some of the footage can be saved.
I still have some pics though.
You are doing your part. Good job Shoots100
I am sorry, I may have mispoke.
Nice shooting.
Dropped this big male with the backup RIX L3/.243 enhanced Predator rig.
It's always good to have a backup.
X50 came back and they were able to save a couple of videos.
Here's the dog that came a long ways before eating lead at 20 feet.
Went to a friends farm to relax, shoot some test loads with 41 Grn .20 cal Hammer HHT projos, reload and do some coyote hunting.
Ended up forgetting to bring the test bullets so I confirmed zero with the 55 Bergers and waited till night time for the temps to drop into the single digits.
The Berger 55 turned this dogs chest into jelly, but no pass through on this medium sized female at 40 yards broadside.
I'm hoping to get the XG50 out right after Christmas for our night season
One rifle, one planet, Holland's 375
If I owned an x50 I would not have to wait for a fresh snow to go after them at night. But yote prices would have to come back to $100 pelts before I could afford one. Bottomline Im Jealous!