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Thread: When a milestone in personal shooting is reached.

  1. #1
    Basic Member Mcrider55's Avatar
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    When a milestone in personal shooting is reached.

    In January, I purchased my first bolt action gun, a Savage Axis II Precision. with a 7 twist. I have decades of shooting AR's of all calibers, almost all my training being tactical and dealing with opponents in a combat style scenario. I've reloaded in excess of 20K 223 rounds as well.

    The bolt gun led me in a totally different direction. Shooting for precision AND accuracy was a huge challenge. The precision came before the accuracy of 5 shots into a 1 inch circle at 100 yards. Aim small. shoot small finally made sense.

    It came about after months of reloading, trying new combinations, but I wanted to focus on the 55grain projectile, and buying cost efficiently.

    Today I finally did. I shoot 5 shot groups and been close many, many times, but 5 completely inside the circle never seemed to happen, until this morning.

    MOA was .553

    My load is 23.3 grains of Alliant 1200-R, Hornady FMJ 55 grain SP, CCI 400 primers and all shot out of range scavenged, case fired 1.75 brass. I use a Lee Neck Collet Die and it's made a big + in getting to this point.

    Today was a good day for shooting!

  2. #2
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    Congratulations. It is really fun the first time it happens. Now you are stuck on the edge of the rabbit hole :)

  3. #3
    Basic Member Fuj''s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcrider55 View Post
    MOA was .553
    Now set yourself a new goal of shooting in the 4's......I'm unclear about the bullet you are using. You say,
    Hornady FMJ, but in the same line you say 55 grain SP ?? Or did you mean the HP traditional 55gr.FMJ ??
    Keeping my bad Karma intact since 1952

  4. #4
    Team Savage

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    Nice when everything comes together - congrats!

  5. #5
    Team Savage
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    DITTO what Phil Posted!

    Remember there is allot of talk about reloading mostly because its a fun topic! But bench and range practice is also required. To shoot even better get yourself a coach/observer etc. Have them watch you style for consistency on each and every shot. Study you tube videos of the champs and pay attention to their technique's and fit them into your style.

    Remember don't just shoot, Practice with Purpose! You'll be amazed how fast that .5 goes down!

    Most of all welcome to the world of precision shooting!

  6. #6
    Basic Member Mcrider55's Avatar
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    It's a Hornady 55 55 FMJ SP

    Basic goal is to shoot using components that are common. I know it can be done with specialized bullets, cases and rifle. I won't have the consistency of using competition equipment, but I'm learning one hell of a lot about for precision and accuracy.

    I'm still in 1st grade compared to comp shooters.

  7. #7
    Basic Member Fuj''s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcrider55 View Post
    It's a Hornady 55 55 FMJ SP

    Basic goal is to shoot using components that are common.
    I'm surprised a cannelure soft point bullet shot that well. You may want to try the Sierra 52 grain
    Keeping my bad Karma intact since 1952

  8. #8
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20230128_121257.jpg 
Views:	13 
Size:	79.6 KB 
ID:	10984

    This is a league target we shoot called "Cold Bore". Which is shot at 100 yards.
    The top left sub-target must be shot first, from a cold bore. 2 shots total. From there you may shoot foulers or sighters and then move on to the square bull targets in the center. 1 shot each. Then the 3 bottom targets which are 5 shots each, All-or-Nothing! 1 shot outside the target and that target is disqualified.

    This was shot with a Savage Model 11 action fitted with a Model 12 26" 1:9 twist factory Varmint barrel using Hornady 60gr VMAX and 24gr of Benchmark powder and Remington 7.5 primers. The first All-Nothing target is just over 1MOA in size, the last and smallest is .5MOA.

  9. #9
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    BTW this is my second Savage 223. Like you I am guessing I have nearly 4k rounds through it at this time. It's getting tired.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcrider55 View Post
    It's a Hornady 55 55 FMJ SP

    Basic goal is to shoot using components that are common. I know it can be done with specialized bullets, cases and rifle. I won't have the consistency of using competition equipment, but I'm learning one hell of a lot about for precision and accuracy.

    I'm still in 1st grade compared to comp shooters.
    I am as surprised as Fuj. I could never get the cheaper Hornady bullets to shoot well.

    I wonder where those bullets come from. They don't show up on the Hornady web site.

  11. #11
    Basic Member Mcrider55's Avatar
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    That was the entire point of me choosing the Hornady 55 SP, that it wasn't a SMK, Berger, or any other "boutique" round. I've shot the SMK 69's and I like them, but it's too easy. I just believe that if I'm going to learn how to precision shoot, I need to pay my dues, not buy them. I could have bought any rifle I wanted, I could shoot any bullets out there, it's not a money issue. Living in rural Arkansas, these ole boys can flat ass shoot, and they don't have high dollar equipment. Most have been hunting for generations. I'm going coyote hunting here in a couple of weeks and deer hunting with this combination.

    I respect the hell outta you comp shooters, but that's just not my bag. Doesn't mean I can't learn from you!

  12. #12
    Basic Member Mcrider55's Avatar
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    Shooting 5 shots sub MOA isn't that much of a problem. The problem is putting all 5 inside the 1 inch circle. I'd read about these bullets somewhere and the posters all raved about their accuracy. I bought some and was quite impressed. Gave some to a friend who's my local shooting guru and now he shoots them. Why they aren't in the catalog is beyond me.

  13. #13
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    I'm not a comp shooter. Far from it. I 'choke' too much to be in competition.

    I use the 'quality' stuff just to make sure any 'misses' are me and not the load. But, then the problem is the desire to get more and more accurate.

  14. #14
    Basic Member Fuj''s Avatar
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    For what it's worth.....I have two Rock River AR's I tested with All flavors of the IMI (Israeli) 5.56.
    The 9 twist heavy barrels and 3 lb 2 stage triggers shot 1/2 MOA consistently with the 55 gr FMJ
    ball ammo. Both have the Wylde chamber. It's one of the reasons I don't load .223 / 5.56 anymore.
    It's cheaper to buy and less time consuming. The stuff shoots. I should pull a couple apart and see
    what makes them tic. I know IMI uses SMKs in there Mod-1 ammo 77gr. That stuff is very accurate
    in the right rifle.

    Bolt gun, but my .222. The Speer 55gr TNT sp's shoot under 1/2 MOA. But I'm also using a 12 twist
    Hart. Give them a try
    Keeping my bad Karma intact since 1952

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