English major speaking here...........pls hold onto that.

LONG time user of MOA - think cross-hair reticle...1960's, 70's and 80's all the way up to now...trying hard to understand MIL. Everywhere I look - online - it seems everyone wants to expain what MIL is. OK - got that. Thank you. As I understand it - MIL is basically in tenths - not 1/4 inches. I'm working on making that transition.....

What I'm looking for and can't find is a plain language, simple tutorial on how to use MIL. Please know - I'm not asking anyone here to respond with a long post on how. Just looking for someone to watch on my computer screen who can talk to a real beginner on MIL. NOT what it is - but how to use it.

This may all sound silly to you Math majors. :-) Sorry if I've confused anyone here. I'm strongly committed to learning MIL. My new Zeiss S3 is testimony to that. If you can guide me to a simple, "basics" video which might help, I'd appreciate it.

Many thanks.