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Thread: I HATE Insomnia!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Suburb of Filthadelphia.

    I HATE Insomnia!

    Anyone else have it? It’s 4:39AM right now and I was awake all night. I’ve dealt with it to a small degree for several years. But about 2 months ago it got much, MUCH worse! Or I guess it took the 2 months to get to this point a little at a time. But for the last several weeks, I’ve been up for days at a time. Just feeling like I’m going crazy! And tired all the time! Big problem is that Restless Meg Syndrome, but pretty much my whole body going through it! And I just can’t switch my mind off. I feel constantly bothered through it. Saw my doctor this past week. Now she’s a Pain Medicine doctor, and she’s Depression Medication crazy. She’s been trying to get me to take Anti Depression crap for years. I don’t believe in it to begin with. Years ago being depressed was called being really sad, and everyone has experienced it at some point or another! To me it comes down to Strong & Weak minded individuals. That’s all. When you research the start of the whole Psychiatrist/Fake-Doctors, depression & pharmaceutical companies scene, it’s found they collided together and started inventing new diseases & the drugs to go along with ‘em! And when a drug didn’t work for one fake brain disease, they just called it something else and tried it on another of their made up diseases! Ever wonder why America’s Psychological Disorders number has increased something like 5,000% in the last 50 years? Anyway, I digress. So I’m trying to tell her I’m not depressed & she combats it with “oh, well, depression can exhibit itself in different ways. It could be why your so anxious and can’t sleep.” Yadda, yadda. I was hoping she would give me Valium or something, because I’ve taken that before for anxiety & it did a good job of relaxing me. But no go.. she gives this Trazodone crap, which is an Anti-Depressent, but apparently it’s not prescribed for depression anymore because the levels needed are so high, it just causes extreme drowsiness. So forget functioning in daily life on it. But she prescribed it to me for sleep. It seemed to work the last few nights, but the sleep I’m getting isn’t restful at all! “Marked Drowsiness” is an extreme understatement! I was prescribed the highest dosage, 1-pill a little before bedtime. I’m falling asleep fast, but like I said, the sleep I’m getting isn’t restful. It’s just BAD! And I’m so Drowsy in the morning. I’m waking up untested, sore all over and drowsy. Strange experience. I didn’t take last night to see what would happen. And, sure enough, No Sleep! I just couldn’t turn off. Uhhhg.. I don’t know what to do. Oh well. Just one more thing I guess.

  2. #2
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    It's a SERIOUS health issue Dave; consult your Dr. Short term, medicate to get some rest and long term speak to a therapist and try to get to the root of the problem. I too have restless leg syndrome but mine is basically because of an old back injury.
    Best of luck and I wish you well.

  3. #3
    Administrator J.Baker's Avatar
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    I've battled with various forms of sleep disorders my entire life. I'm a natural night owl, and if I go to bed before midnight - 1am I'm guaranteed to wake up at 1-2am and won't be able to get back to sleep. I also often have short onsets of insomnia that will keep me up 30-40 hours straight which really screws you one's schedule and ability to function normally. Lately I seem to keep falling into the same night shift schedule of sleeping from 9-10am thru 4-5pm which this time of year makes me feel like a vampire with it getting dark so early.
    "Life' is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne
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  4. #4
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    Dave I feel you pain because I suffer the same way.

    Mine has worsened since I had a triple bypass 6 years ago. Also suffer with chronic P.A.D. in both legs along with Restless Leg Syndrome. On top of that also suffer from Sleep Apnea so even when I do sleep it is not a good sleep.

    There have been many times that I look up from my computer only to find the sun rising or my wife coming in and hollering at me to come to bed.

    Dr's have been of little help and I have talked with my Family Dr., Cardiologist, Vascular Dr. and back/spine Dr.. The only thing they agree on is I have to cut down the amount of ibuprofen because it is effecting my kidneys.

    My new regime is at night to take 2 acetaminophen PM and one ibuprofen then go soak in a nice hot tube with very low light levels to help relax. Doesn't always help with the sleep but it does help with the leg pain. Yes there are also times I wake up and feel like I am in a fog for a few hours.

    So if you ever need to chat at 2am chances are I'm still up!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Suburb of Filthadelphia.
    Appreciate that KMW.

  6. #6
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    Not a problem, if needed I can PM you an email address. Good to have support.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Suburb of Filthadelphia.
    3:09AM and I’m sitting in my living room, where I was at ALL night!

    I think I’m getting sick as well. Something with my throat. Just never ends, I tell you what!

  8. #8
    Team Savage
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    Feb 2014
    Dave, don't know where you stand on hemp products. I used CBD sublingual tincture for a while to improve sleep. My issue is hand and back pain, and early wake-up. CBD tincture is non-psychoactive, and contains zero to trace amounts of THC. Legal in PA. Find a reputable company that sells broad spectrum, independently tested tincture. I was getting a couple more hours of uninterrupted sleep. The downside for me was a morning hangover. The product must accumulate, as the sluggishness started to stretch into the daytime hours. I stopped using it for this reason. It did nothing for my pain, despite the claims. The marketing BS out there is off the charts. For sleep, you might want to check it out.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Hoback View Post
    3:09AM and I’m sitting in my living room, where I was at ALL night!

    I think I’m getting sick as well. Something with my throat. Just never ends, I tell you what!
    That was about 1/2hr after I headed into a very hot tub, where I was until 3:50am then went to bed and slept till a late 6:15. So I got two 2hr sleep sessions!

  10. #10
    Basic Member Robinhood's Avatar
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    I suffer from it also. Sometime lack of sleep hurts. If you are not taking a quality magnesium supplement, try that. I also use Tylenol PM until 2 pills are no longer effective. Then I take NyQuil(sounds like this might be perfect at this point) for 3 days. Nocks me out for as along as I need, then and I don't need anything for a month.

    Poor eating/drinking habits and an overactive mind are two big factors. Sometimes it is a melatonin blue light thing. Some really good youtube vids on the topic for when your up till the wee hours.
    I am sorry, I may have mispoke.

  11. #11
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    MS50 mentioned CBD. Agree, you should try it.

    From my own experience, it has some effects. I've been using it for 2 months now, and get much better sleep compared to before.

    And MS50 is right, get it from a reputable source. I don't know what's the situation where you live, but here in the UK, I'm subscribed to this cannabis clinic. If you have something like that there, then it's great.

  12. #12
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    Being ADHD, I’ve had insomnia on & off all my life. Tried all sorts of meds, OTC and scripts (CBD too). Ambien was actually best, but can only be short-term due to addiction.

    What eventually worked best for me was being in top-physical shape with regular schedule and never sleeping in.

    - wake up every day @ 0630 and watch market open with breakfast
    - alternate every other day with going to gym or range @ 0700
    - back by 0830, shower and clock in to office @ 0900
    - do something physical after work, home improvement projects, swap engine on racecar/racebike, etc.
    - walk dog after dinner
    - in bed by midnight, bed not used for anything but sleeping

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