WYO: I'm waiting on delivery of the Jard, which I ordered 7/1 - should arrive this week. Anyway, the A22 is cleaned with the original trigger removed. I could have lived with the high trigger pull but what bugged me was the pre pull snap I heard plus the gritty I felt and heard. Looking over the original trigger I can't see where either is coming from.

I have the Boyd at one stock, which I purchased to mitigate the grit noise. The mag fit was a problem. I gave the poly stock to my son in Ca - I should have keep it to compare the Boyd - but now I have it back as I was going to sell the Boyd and I see the problem - the plastic tab vs the mag lock tab - which I think (hope) will be an easy adjustment.

I assume you're from WY. A gal I knew dad owned a ranch out side of Cheyenne and we spent a couple of vacations there - best vacations I ever had. The neighbors were the greatest. They didn't care where you came from or what you did for a living - unlike the screw balls I lived with in Southern Ca. Down to earth county folks - kinda like Tucson folks. Wouldn't have minded living there - in the summer not the winter.