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Thread: Wouldn't wish it on anyone!

  1. #1
    Administrator J.Baker's Avatar
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    Wouldn't wish it on anyone!

    So back at the end of October I was blessed with a shingles outbreak on my arm. At first I thought it was just a typical rash from an allergy, poison ivy, etc. so it was a week before I finally broke down and went to the doctor since none of the usual remedies were working on it. Of course by that time the rash of clusters of tiny blisters had spread from just two quarter-sized spots on my forearm to covering the length of my whole right arm from my shoulder to my knuckles.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	shingles.jpg 
Views:	18 
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ID:	8747
    Pic from 3-days in and it got much worse.

    Oddly enough, in my case it never really itched at all. On the other hand, after about the 4th day my whole arm felt like someone had worked it over with a meat tenderizer for several hours and then lit it on fire. As uncomfortable as that was, it was the nerve pain in my right hand that was (and continues to be) the worst part of it as I'm just now getting to where I can do some minor things with that hand again. Even something as simple as clicking the tv remote with my thumb was an adventure in relentless pain. I used to think the pain from a pinched sciatic nerve in my lower back due to a herniated disc was bad - this made that comparable to the prick of getting a shot!

    Even now some 3 weeks into being on med's the use of my right hand is fairly limited. Even just putting the slightest bit of pressure on certain spots will result in a sharp and intense pain that will endure for a couple minutes. Suffice to say my sailor vocabulary comes out several times a day as I make the mistake of using my right hand to do simple things like turning a door knob, grabbing a plate out of the cubbord, etc.

    Fortunately I'm on the mend and my arm is looking normal again aside from a couple scars near my elbow where it was really concentrated. Just hoping my hand gets back to normal before too long as I have two guns here from Savage that I need to get out and review but there's no chance in hell I'm going to subject my hand to recoil given it's current state.

    So all that said, if you ever had chicken pox and are over 40 I would highly recommend get the shingles vaccine even though your doctor probably won't even mention getting it until you're over 50. From a few articles I've read it seems the Covid19 vaccines have a tendency of increasing your chances of having a shingles outbreak by around 3-5%, so if you've been fully or partially vaccinated I would strongly urge getting the shingles shot which is 90-95% effective for people under 70 with a good immune system. I was lucky in that the outbreak was on my arm, but most people have outbreaks on their face, back or the side of their torso where the skin is often much more sensitive making the pain that much more intense. If the outbreak is on your face and around your eye it can potentially cause blindness or even be fatal if it migrates into the brain.
    "Life' is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne
    “Under certain circumstances, 
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  2. #2
    Super Moderator Blue Avenger's Avatar
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    one of them guns my .338L ?
    i get them sharp pains from age and making the wrong movement, but if back pain level is mild to what you have I will have to look into the shot.
    Have you learned to work the keyboard with your tung so you can still work in the new web site?
    .223 Rem AI, .22-250 AI, .220 Swift AI .243 Win AI, .6mm Rem AI, .257 Rob AI, .25-06 AI, 6.5x300wsm .30-06 AI, .270 STW, 7mm STW, 28 nosler, .416 Taylor

  3. #3
    Administrator J.Baker's Avatar
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    Chicken pecking the keyboard with my left hand is about as good as my computer skills get right now. lol Worst part is trying to use the mouse left-handed as everything just seems bass-ackwards. On the plus side, I'm fully caught up on all the good shows (and some bad ones) on all the streaming services now.

    As for the new website, that's all still on hold after the hard drive failure and losing months of work a few months back. Been thinking about hiring someone to do it, but that's a lot of coin to spend on a site that doesn't bring in very much revenue these days.
    "Life' is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne
    “Under certain circumstances, 
urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” —Mark Twain

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Blue Avenger's Avatar
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    see specialty pistols is being laid to rest. 1/2/23
    .223 Rem AI, .22-250 AI, .220 Swift AI .243 Win AI, .6mm Rem AI, .257 Rob AI, .25-06 AI, 6.5x300wsm .30-06 AI, .270 STW, 7mm STW, 28 nosler, .416 Taylor

  5. #5
    Basic Member Robinhood's Avatar
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    Sorry that you are suffering Jim. I have heard the pain is severe. Hope it heals up soon.
    The Dunning-Kruger effect is alive and well.

  6. #6
    Team Savage

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    That sucks Jim but happy to hear you're on the mend. My doc encouraged me to get the shot last year, which I declined, but since I meet the criteria and have a sibling that had shingles, think I'll accept the offer when I see him next month. Best wishes for continued healing!

  7. #7
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    That sure looks like a poster to get the shot, dang. Hope you are feeling better Jim

  8. #8
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    I’ve had shingles. No fun. I need to get the vaccine. Glad you’re past the worst of it.

  9. #9
    Team Savage Stumpkiller's Avatar
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    Just got my first vaccine (age 63) last week. Still sore in that arm, but no worse than a tetanus shot. One more to go in six months.
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  10. #10
    Super Moderator Blue Avenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stumpkiller View Post
    Just got my first vaccine (age 63) last week. Still sore in that arm, but no worse than a tetanus shot. One more to go in six months.
    Only 2 required or are there more down the line.
    .223 Rem AI, .22-250 AI, .220 Swift AI .243 Win AI, .6mm Rem AI, .257 Rob AI, .25-06 AI, 6.5x300wsm .30-06 AI, .270 STW, 7mm STW, 28 nosler, .416 Taylor

  11. #11
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    Only 2 of them, 2 to 6 months apart. After seeing Jim's arm last night I got my first shot shot today. FWIW it was 100% free, covered by my insurance. Got it at Walmart

  12. #12
    Administrator J.Baker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokey262 View Post
    Only 2 of them, 2 to 6 months apart. After seeing Jim's arm last night I got my first shot shot today. FWIW it was 100% free, covered by my insurance. Got it at Walmart
    Never intended to become a shrill for big pharma, but if my experience prompts anyone to get the shot and it keeps you from having to experience the misery of shingles, all the better! Like I said, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

    Good news is the pain in my hand is slowly getting less intense. I can almost now turn a door knob without getting a jolt of intense pain in my thumb and index finger. I'm also able to sit at the computer and use the mouse and type for a half hour or so before the pain gets too intense and I have to take a break. Just have to keep reminding myself not to over do it, but that's hard to do when you've got things you want/need to get done.

    A good friend is going to be in town for a few days over Thanksgiving and wants to hit the range, so I might try to get some shooting in with the new Stance pistol. Might just let him do the shooting part of the review so I can get that out of the way and get the article finished up and posted. Also have a Stevens 555 Enhanced O/U in 16ga here that I need to get out and bust some clays with, but probably going to be a little while until that happens. Good thing Savage gives me 120 day consignments.
    "Life' is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne
    “Under certain circumstances, 
urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” —Mark Twain

  13. #13
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    Tough to see and sorry for the discomfort.

    Per your first note, yes, my aunt lost an eye, lost taste, and had a mini stroke. So I was eager for big pharma’s preventative two rounds. One of them made me puke but it was no worse than a Sunday morning coming down.

    Heal soon. Enjoy a great Thanksgiving.

  14. #14
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    Man! I’m just now seeing this Jim… (I need to check part of the Forum more) Sucks you had to go through that, but I’m guessing you are back to good now?

    While reading, this stuck out to me that you wrote. As uncomfortable as that was, it was the nerve pain in my right hand that was (and continues to be) the worst part of it as I'm just now getting to where I can do some minor things with that hand again.”

    I know exactly what you felt Jim. I’m sorry I had’t seen this then, and missed an opportunity to pray for your suffering during. Sincerely, my heart goes out for anyone who experiences even several days of this type of crippling pain. It just takes every facet of your being, caught in the grip of a nerve pain fit. Can’t walk, can’t move.. can’t even speak! Unfortunately there won’t be any getting better for me, no. Not until I leave this place as part of His plan, and am raised with a new body & all pain ended. Ahhh… Can’t wait!

  15. #15
    Administrator J.Baker's Avatar
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    Still dealing with the nerve pain in my hand (and to a lesser extent in my shoulder). From what I've read it usually takes a minimum of 3 months for the nerve damage from a shingles outbreak to fully subside, but for some it can be as long as 6 months to a year or even permanent depending on the severity of the damage to the nerves.

    Was back at the doc today for a follow-up and we were discussing just this, and given how the pain isn't nearly as intense now and I have the occasional few hours that are relatively pain free for the most part, he's guessing it will likely mostly be gone by the time I see him again at the end of January. At this point it's mostly more of an annoyance and irritating because it really limits what I can do in some regards, but there are times most every day where it will still flare up and just be throbbing until the Aleve kicks in to throttle the pain back down to a more tolerable level.

    I did learn something over the weekend though - and that would be a surefire way to cause it to flare up in a heartbeat is to try using a push broom or pull starting a small engine with that hand. Neighbors probably though I had turrets after the latter incident. lol
    "Life' is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." ~ John Wayne
    “Under certain circumstances, 
urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” —Mark Twain

  16. #16
    Basic Member jpx2rk's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear of your ordeal, I got the shingles shots a couple years ago based on the doc's recommendations, etc. Wife had shingles in her younger days and that also prompted me to get them as well. i've got a ongoing relationship with sciatica as well, and the flare ups on that is just as you say, and shingles being worse doesn't sound good at all. Best wishes.

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