
NOTE: Anyone dragging politics into this will have their post removed.

Seems UPS is doing everything they can to alienate the firearms industry. The question though is why? There's a couple possible (and plausible) reasons that fall a little on the conspiracy theory side of things, but they're worth mentioning as even if they're not the primary reason they probably played a role to some degree.

1. UPS is heavily vested in the World Economic Forum (WEF), which as we all know is staunchly anti-gun.
2. Could this have been the result of pressure from the DOJ in some form similar to what we saw with "Operation Choke-Point" and the banking industry during the Obama administration?
3. Or is it just UPS covering their six after the media circus of the past year or so surrounding so-called "ghost guns" and not wanting to risk the possibility of somehow being sued in the future for facilitating the transportation of a firearm or component that was used in a heinous crime?

Your guess is as good as mine at this point, but it wouldn't surprise me that if we find out in the next couple of years that the DOJ was putting pressure on UPS just like they did with Operation Choke-Point.

More importantly though, what's this mean for us, the consumer?

First and foremost, it means any company shipping guns, ammo or associated accessories via UPS will be subject to these new rules in the contract. That means going forward any time you order something and have it shipped to you via UPS your personal information could find it's way into their (UPS's) hands and what they will do with that personal information is a HUGE unknown at this point. Will they foreword it to agencies within the DOJ? Will they market and sell that data to interested parties (marketing groups, private companies, activist organizations, etc)? There's zero language in the contract changes addressing how that information will be handled, protected, stored or used by UPS.

As you can imagine, this is likely going to have a significant effect on online buying/selling of firearms and related parts and accessories. What company is going to be willing to open their records books and give UPS carte blanche access to whatever documents and records they want? UPS doesn't even have to provide a reason to justify requesting said records, but if a business doesn't comply with said request within 5 days their UPS account will be suspended.

How this will affect we simpletons (you and me) wanting to ship something as an individual is another big question.