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Thread: Savage 340 series L 30/30

  1. #1

    Savage 340 series L 30/30

    Hello fellow shooters. I was at a local gun show over the weekend, and picked up a little jewel. Mint (99%) 340, walnut stock, tiger stripe, checkered, just a beautiful little rifle. Also picked up a set of Weaver mounts and a spare magazine. The stock is factory trimmed on the left side of the receiver to accomodate the side mount without any additional carving required. I installed the side mount, and base/ring assembly today, and topped it off with a K4 i had sitting around. But, the centerline of the scope ends up being to the right of the rifle bore, far enough that the scope interferes with the bolt. Are these new mounts POS? Are there other mounts that would work on this rifle? It is drilled and tapped, 4 holes on the left side of the receiver. Any and all comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dogger

  2. #2
    Uncle Duckie
    I got one of the B Square mounts for my Springfield 840 (pretty much the same as a 340E), fits perfect with the scope centered over the barrel and no interference with the bolt. Optics Planet as well as Amazon and others sells them.

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