1) Remove bolt from rifle. Then uncock the action. Watch out for a pinched finger!
2) Use 3/16 Allen wrench to remove bolt cap. Remove the spring and the spring guide rod.
3) Before proceeding further I cleaned the end of the guide rod with alcohol. I then placed a drop of orange paint on the end of the rod. The paint was drying while I worked on the firing pin. I now have a visual indicator, to show when the rifle is cocked.
4) I used a bench block and a 5/64ths roll punch, to drive out the firing pin, pin. A piece of wood with a hole in it can be used. Be sure the pin is vertical before trying to drive it out. I couldn't tap mine out. I had to HIT IT! If that doesn't work for you, get a larger hammer. It wouldn't hurt to have an extra 5/64ths roll pin punch on hand.
5) When the pin is out, remove the firing pin. I used a piece of paper towel to prevent my small vise grips from marring, twisting, denting, or in any manner harming the actual firing pin.
6) I then used a fine stone to work the square of metal down. Use a straight edge to verify that the firing pin does not protrude beyond the head of the bolt, when the firing pin is pushed and held as far forward a it will go. Then 1,000 grit sand paper, on a popsicle stick to smooth it up. Now would be the time to do any other polishing to the firing pin. I did very little to mine.
7) Re-assemble the bolt. Be sure to re-cock it. Then insert into rifle action and enjoy your rifle.
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