• Factory AccuTrigger Part Numbers

    The following is a list of all the different parts with their individual part numbers for all three versions of the AccuTrigger. Each individual part is represented by a diagram ID number, part description, part number and the current price (as of this writing). Most of these parts are listed on Savage's Parts Finder as available only to gunsmiths, so I make no guarantee as to whether you can actually purchase them from Savage, or whether these parts will work in your actual rifle(s). As always, consult a properly qualified gunsmith before making any modifications to your triggers.

    Item number 3 is the only one available as an assembly, and it contains the trigger, sear stop, trigger return spring, sear stop spring, safety screw plug, and the adjustment screw. It is available as an assembly for all three trigger styles. Some of the parts for the LE/Varmint and Target versions are the same as those used in the Standard Accutrigger, I listed them anyways.

    Prices and Part Numbers are accurate as of today - 1/26/2014.

    Here are all of the parts you need for the Target AccuTrigger.
    This is the trigger that comes on all Target rifles and actions, and is adjustable down to 6oz.

    Description Part Number Price
    2A Trigger Bracket Assembly 105442 $6.00
    2B Safety Retaining Ring 100336 $2.00
    2C Trigger Pivot Pin 105267 $2.00
    2D 6oz Safety Spring 106426 $2.00
    3 6oz Trigger Assembly 107323 $62.00
    4A Sear Pin 100223 $2.00
    4B Sear Spring 103894 $2.00
    4C Sear 6oz 106427 $15.00

    Here are the parts needed for the L.E./Varmint AccuTrigger.
    This is the assembly that comes on most of the Law Enforcement and Varmint models, and is adjustable down to 1.5 pounds.

    Description Part Number Price
    2A Trigger Bracket Assembly 105442 $6.00
    2B Safety Retaining Ring 100336 $2.00
    2C Trigger Pivot Pin 105267 $2.00
    2D 1.5lb Safety Spring 105265 $2.00
    3 1.5lb Min Trigger Assembly 105279 $62.00
    4A Sear Pin 100223 $2.00
    4B Sear Spring 103894 $2.00
    4C Sear 1.5lb Min 105268 $9.00

    And here are the parts used in the Standard AccuTrigger.
    This is the assembly that comes on all standard Hunting, Package, Specialty and Weather Warrior models, and is adjustable down to 2.5 pounds.

    Description Part Number Price
    2A Trigger Bracket Assembly 105442 $6.00
    2B Safety Retaining Ring 100336 $2.00
    2C Trigger Pivot Pin 105267 $2.00
    2D Safety Spring 105265 $2.00
    3 2.5lb Min Trigger Assembly 105531 $28.00
    4A Sear Pin(RI) 105707 $2.00
    4B Sear Spring(RI) 105706 $2.00
    4C Sear(RI) 105741 $8.00

    Comments 15 Comments
    1. SFLEFTY's Avatar
      SFLEFTY -
      What's with the 1.5# trigger assy price?
    1. AZ_GUN_NUT's Avatar
      AZ_GUN_NUT -
      Must be a typo, the price on the assembly is $62 same as the 6oz trigger kit.
    1. Hotolds442's Avatar
      Hotolds442 -
      It shows up on the parts finder website as $10,000.
    1. LanceS4803's Avatar
      LanceS4803 -
      Is the AccuTrigger a retro fit to older, non-AccuTrigger models?
    1. thomae's Avatar
      thomae -
      Not without specific modifications. Much easier to install on a non-accutrigger Axis, but still needs to be modified to fit.
    1. W. Hunter's Avatar
      W. Hunter -
      Do I understand that a 6oz trigger assy. for 69.00 will replace the trigger in my 22-250 model 12?
    1. Hotolds442's Avatar
      Hotolds442 -
      No, you'll need the 6oz sear and the 6oz safety spring also. Total cost not including shipping is $79
    1. Xman's Avatar
      Xman -
      Does the target and or the L.E. varmint triggers have the bolt release lever that is on the sear for a bottom load mag?
    1. smlzerolimit's Avatar
      smlzerolimit -
      You still cannot order it because of it being a gunsmiths part ! And my gunsmith couldn't get one from them either, I think they have to be registered with savage or something.
    1. srsummers's Avatar
      srsummers -
      Where can I get the info on what needs to be modified on the 1st Gen Axis rifles? Or is it easier (and same price) to get a Rifle Basix trigger?
    1. Hotolds442's Avatar
      Hotolds442 -
      Quote Originally Posted by smlzerolimit View Post
      You still cannot order it because of it being a gunsmiths part ! And my gunsmith couldn't get one from them either, I think they have to be registered with savage or something.
      I've had no problem buying them from Savage directly. You just need to sign a waiver of release.
    1. PlanB's Avatar
      PlanB -
      I signed the waiver, emailed it back to Natalia Navedo at savage, she said she would ship sear and spring. Then i read here that i also need trigger assy so i called back, another lady said thst the parts will not fit my guns(12 fv or 12bvss) and that its against policy to sell me the parts.
      i was very agrivated with savage customer service.
    1. villagelightsmith's Avatar
      villagelightsmith -
      Quote Originally Posted by PlanB View Post
      I signed the waiver, emailed it back to Natalia Navedo at savage, she said she would ship sear and spring. Then i read here that i also need trigger assy so i called back, another lady said thst the parts will not fit my guns(12 fv or 12bvss) and that its against policy to sell me the parts.
      i was very agrivated with savage customer service.
      Ho-kay, most of my favorite Irons are wearing re-worked triggers by Remington, Jewell, Anschutz, a few German Double Sets, Karl Kenyon, and a lot of others whose names I have forgotten. Karl Kenyon said his trigger would HOLD at 2 GRAMS. I've never fooled with those weights of triggers. But Yes, even big game hunting, I'm an unrepentant, unapologetic barrel, brass, trigger and glass accuracy snob. If a trigger doesn't break cleanly and consistently at 4oz or less, I just stick it in the non-user safe and forget about it. No fooling ... I'll give it away before I hunt with it. There are too many fine guns for us to waste our time shooting truck axle barrels and rusty old match-locks.

      As agun snob I do have a reputation among the cogniscenti. Still, I'd like to have a video recorder going for the poor Dems who bust and burn, chizel and scrape their way into the Strongroom to find a display cabinett containing one lonely, cold and rusty horseshoe. And the safe door swings closed and ... latches ... securely ... behind ... them.
    1. Shooter0302's Avatar
      Shooter0302 -
      I just bought a 110 "Tactical",which one of these parts lists do I get part #'s from to lighten the pull /break weight AND get rid of PITA accu release lever. Nothing like having a two stage trigger on a bolt gun
    1. Texas10's Avatar
      Texas10 -
      Quote Originally Posted by PlanB View Post
      I signed the waiver, emailed it back to Natalia Navedo at savage, she said she would ship sear and spring. Then i read here that i also need trigger assy so i called back, another lady said thst the parts will not fit my guns(12 fv or 12bvss) and that its against policy to sell me the parts.
      i was very agrivated with savage customer service.
      Yes, I've had that experience too, lack of consistency or experience on the part of the CS group. So here's what I've done. Keep an eye on, or post a want to buy ad for a Target Accutrigger. I've converted all my 12FV's and 12BVSS to the target trigger, takes all of 5 minutes and am quite happy. I've got one 12FV action in a BVSS stock, Shilen select match 308 SS barrel, and the target accutrigger is working great at 6 oz.