• History

    Published on 08-19-2003 08:17 AM
    J.W. French shown with his trusted Savage Model 1899 T/D chambered in .250-3000 Savage.

    All this talk about the old Savage rifles, and rarely do we hear about what they were used for. For as far back as Savage started to sell the Model 1899 and other models, they were advertised beyond their actual use. Ads of the 1895s with kills of such animals as Lions and elephants were amazing to the general hunting population. Even when the 22 H.P. was introduced awe inspiring commercialism was Savages mainstay with ads of the little Imp taking leopards in Africa. ...
    Published on 08-18-2003 07:04 AM
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    Like all American gun makers, Savage was doing it's part for the U.S. war effort during World War II. They made weapons, naturally, and most of these were Thompson sub-machine guns, fifty caliber machine guns, thirty caliber machine guns, various twelve gauge shotguns, and bomb fuses. Almost three million items were turned out by the Savage Arms Company and it's divisions from 1941 to 1945.
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    The following is a scanned copy of an original Savage Arms Catalog No. 71 and the accompanying price sheet which took effect on ...
    Published on 04-23-2003 08:27 AM

    Well, where do I begin? I guess well start low and work our way up to the last 99 offerings. First off is the model 1892, this is an easy one to identify, it will have a serial number under 10.000 and the pads on the sides of the receiver will be rounded instead of pointed like the model 1899's and 99's. The forearm is very slender and rises to the receiver very sharply. ...

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