There are other tools out there which serve a like purpose but none that I know of which do it as easily nor one which uses the centerline of the firearm as a reference. The patent pending Reticle-Tru alignment device was invented, designed, and is manufactured by a retired gun enthusiast by the name of Jerry Schmidt.
The Reticle-Tru is precision CNC machined out of Delrin and the machine work and finishing are flawless with all the edges chamfered and not a rough edge or a burr anywhere to be found. The angles are all true and the critical reticle alignment slot is perfectly machined in the exact center of the ocular V and in line with both pointers.
To use the Reticle-Tru on a not yet mounted scope you use the elevation and windage adjustments on the scope to place the reticle in the optical center of the scope. You then put the ocular V on the ocular housing of the scope and secure it there with the included rubber band. The ocular V will automatically center the reticle alignment slot on the ocular lens. Looking through the reticle alignment slot you turn the Reticle-Tru until the vertical crosshair is perfectly in line with the slot.
It's even easier to align an already mounted scope.
First attach the Reticle-Tru to your scope and center the pointers as described above. Looking through the slot you can easily see if your reticle is perfectly vertical. If it isn't (none of mine were), you then just loosen the rings and rotate the scope until the vertical crosshair is is centered in the slot. Recheck that the pointers are still centered, tighten up your rings and you're done.
The Reticle-Tru works on all scoped firearms and has proven to be an easy and foolproof way to align your reticle with the exact center of the firearm. The reticle slot is the true genius of this design along with the fact that the only reference points are on the firearm itself.
Mr. Schmidt has taken his unique concept and brought it to life with precision and ease of use as hallmarks.
He is not in full production yet but is working very hard to make these available to all who value good tools to help maximize the precision of their scoped firearms.
He has completed the task of designing and printing excellent instructions and he has sourced professional packaging. He has also been working very hard on the arduous and unrewarding task of patenting his invention. Dealing with Patent Attorneys and endless patent searches has to be difficult and I don't envy him that task.
The Reticle-Tru is in all ways ready for the marketplace and his CNC mills are working steadily to meet expected demand. Pricing information is not available as of yet, but will be forthcoming when full production is reached.
In conclusion I'd like to say that I find this tool to be one of the finest and most functional tools to come down the pike for quite some time. Although I have no financial or personal relationship with Mr. Schmidt I am honored that he chose me among others to test and evaluate his invention. I wish him the greatest of good fortune in this and in his future endeavors.
Mr. Schmidt's website is
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