10-19-2009, 02:54 AM
Got to help a buddy of mine take his oldest boy out for his first hunt today. Less then a hour into our trip we see Deer, but with my miss jugment in distance the first shoot of the day is high and a miss!! about 2 hrs later we see more Deer, we move in for the shot, get set up.......and the Deer starts to walk shot!!! Its now about that time of the day when your thinking......What should I do for the next trip out......When the new hunter shouts "DEER" out we get, she moves out of view......where did she go!!?? There she is.......BANG!! Flat out miss, but she wants to see whats up.......BANG!!! Drops like a sack of hammers!!! At the end of the day we have one proud Dad one new hunter hooked for life!!! Congrats on your first Deer Cody!!!
Myself and his Dad forgot to take a camera for the field shot!!
Myself and his Dad forgot to take a camera for the field shot!!