View Full Version : Savage Model 1907 .32 ACP reassembly issues

TM Baker
07-01-2024, 07:35 PM

I've wandered around several sites and don't quite find an answer to my problem...

I recently purchased a 1907 S/N 764** from 1910 to 1917 as it was described. Good condition (90%?), replacement mag with holes for either release type, dirty and appears to have been fired then stored. It seemed to dry function OK and I disassembled on the dining room table with laptop YouTube help. I left the plastic grips on and the fire control assembly together but sprayed, swabbed and scrubbed the parts.

I erred thinking I could reassemble without more help... I have all the parts in place and the slide started on the receiver but it's binding (full stop) about and inch or so forward. Bolt, firing pin control assembly of course not in place.

I can't move/remove the slide and barrel but there is some movement with (too much) force. There seems to be more or less movement depending on whether the trigger is depressed or not.

I presume this is a common error and I haven't wrecked the old guy - what can you tell me?


07-05-2024, 04:24 PM
TMB, I have a couple of 1907 Savages, but it has been several years since I stripped one. Yes, they are a tad awkward to strip and reassemble. Old brains work slow and sometimes get forgetful and I'm old. If you are proceeding properly, it should go together without too much force. Watch all the YouTubes you can find [there are several]. I'll go through my library and look for the magazine that has, I think, a description of disassembly/reassembly and check back in a couple of days. While you have the pistol apart, check your chamber. They often get rough or eroded and can have problems with extraction.
In the meantime, good luck and stay safe.

07-24-2024, 01:33 PM
TMB, I pulled out a 1907 and went through disassembly/re-assembly. The only place where much force is required is at the final assembly point where you need to push the slide back far enough to rotate the bolt back to the vertical position. It's more awkward than lots of force. I put the edge of the slide at the muzzle end against the edge of my wood work bench and push it back [don't try this on nice furniture] and rotate the bolt into position. This pistol is supposed to have a locking action, but is actually more of a blow back action hence the heavier spring. I have done it without using the bench, but my grip isn't what it once was. Also, if things don't slide into place, stop and start over. Good luck.