View Full Version : Hog hunting trip?
08-27-2009, 05:46 PM
A friend and myself have been talking about taking a trip somewhere to go hog hunting. We're in Ohio and don't have any around here. I hear they're taking over down south. What would we need to do to locate some areas where we would be able to come down and shoot some of these critters? Is there public areas that welcome out-of-towners, or would we be better off finding a farmer who's having property damage issues? I'm completely clueless to this situation so any advice or direction would be appreciated. Thanks.
Pull up google and just type in the state & hog will get 100s of local sites & info.
Unless you are a local and personally know ranchers/farmers you are going to have to use a guide/outfitter type that will get you onto them on private land for $-$$$ naturally.
08-27-2009, 10:50 PM
I can put you in touch with the guide I have used numerous times in Ga. If you are intersted PM me. Tom
08-28-2009, 12:41 AM
Texas, I can't think of place more overrun with pigs... If you want to stay closer home you could try DD Ranch in McArthur, OH. I've bowhunted with them and they run a decent operation. They tend to have Russian-feral crossbreds on the 200+ side.
08-29-2009, 08:55 AM
Are these hunts more in line with big-game hunting (scout, spot, stalk, maybe shoot one or two a week), or more like varmint or coon hunting (find them/ chase them with dogs and shoot as many as you can)? Tom, I would like your guides info, but I'd like to understand this type of hunting a little better before I start to make plans. I'm worried that I'm too ignorant be ready to sort through the guides that come up on the web searches as far as who is being straight and who's going to blow smokes up my butt to get my money. Can you guys (and gal) give me some insight as to what a typical hunt is like? Thanks. Justin
08-30-2009, 10:20 PM
What? You mean like this?
08-31-2009, 11:37 AM
hmmmmmm, I would love to go hunting with these guys!!!!!
08-31-2009, 04:01 PM
That is a bit more extreme than most of the stories I hear, but I do wonder how much of the hunts are full of shooting, compared to waiting for an animal every couple days or so.
09-02-2009, 06:59 AM
Went deer hunting down around Goliad, Texas last January. The ranch foreman/biologist was saying that the hogs had gotten so bad that they were about to hire the helicopter again. From what he was saying, they strap some one to the side of the helicopter behind a mounted AK-47. The spooked hogs tend to congregate in the clumps of brush and the pilot is just crazy enough to get kinda sideways over them to get them to run. When they flush, the pilot will level out, back off and raise up to facilitate shooting. The shooter needs to skip breakfast because this last move causes them to loose it anyway.
09-24-2009, 11:30 AM
I went hog hunting this past Saturday and killed 5 in about an hour & a half. I would not call that typical though for most places. If you have access to a LARGE place, that has multiple feeders, and an abundance of hogs, then you can shoot multiple hogs in a day. The ranch I was hunting has everything I mentioned.
I shot those 5 hogs with 3 bullets. The first 2 shots were doubles, and even the last shot was an attempted double, but only one hog fell down-the one in the back if you can believe that!. The first hog that I was aiming at ran off like he was not even hit. I was shooting a .308 w/150 grain Nosler BT's.
If you come out to Texas, contact me and I can put you in touch with the ranch I hunt at. It's almost too easy to kill them driving from feeder to feeder just shooting them as you pull up. I know some people think a person should "respect" a hog. I have no respect for them at all and will indiscriminately kill every hog I see. Even if it is just to leave it lay for the buzzards or coyotes. I particularly enjoy gut shooting them, or spine shooting them so that they squeal for a while.. When they squeal, the others will come running back to defend the injured and you can sometimes get another one or two depending on how fast you are.
09-25-2009, 11:14 AM
Kawabuggy, PM sent
09-26-2009, 01:25 PM
ajlandis, sorry I missed you request for info for my guide in Ga. I will gladly give you all the info if you p.m. me. We have done several types of hunting with Keith mostly it was tree stands and wait for the hogs. We have also done stalking. He is a lot of fun and we have had a blast everytime we went didn't always kill a lot of hogs but it is hunting you know. Tom
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