View Full Version : 7mm-300 win mag
07-06-2013, 02:41 PM
here is my 7mm-300 win mag
i will post a parts list later, just had to get pics up
07-06-2013, 02:52 PM
Nice! I like that round.
07-06-2013, 03:08 PM
I dislike being beside a guy at the range with a muzzle break. But, I do like the way that muzzle break looks. Nice does it shoot??
07-07-2013, 10:40 AM
Nice! I like that round.
do you have experience with the round? i am going to be loading for it soon to get a load working
07-07-2013, 10:40 AM
i have not shot it yet, soo much going on rite now, trust me i am anxious
07-07-2013, 09:00 PM
Ok,I'll bite. What's the difference and/or advantage over a Rem 7 mag.?
07-07-2013, 10:32 PM
Ok,I'll bite. What's the difference and/or advantage over a Rem 7 mag.?
150-175 fps and still fits in a magazine with 180 grain Bergers.
Calib, I currently own one and have shot it to 1200 yards. I was unable to make it out today to shoot it at 1 mile but it will happen. I settled on H1000 for th powder. Simple to load for and no unexplained issues so far. A Swedish Dr. (PHD kind not MD kind) has nicknamed it the 7mm Dingato.
07-08-2013, 04:40 AM
do you have experience with the round? i am going to be loading for it soon to get a load working
No sir. I like all things 7mm and that is a little more than a 7RM.
What is the muzzle velocity Jamie?
07-08-2013, 11:09 AM
The load I settled on ran 3094,3098 and 3091 fps respectively over the chrono. My shooting buddy using the same powder and bullet combo in his 7mm Rem Mag Sendero was getting low to mid 2800's . EDIT--Make that low to mid 2900s fps.
07-08-2013, 09:57 PM
150-175 fps and still fits in a magazine with 180 grain Bergers.
Calib, I currently own one and have shot it to 1200 yards. I was unable to make it out today to shoot it at 1 mile but it will happen. I settled on H1000 for th powder. Simple to load for and no unexplained issues so far. A Swedish Dr. (PHD kind not MD kind) has nicknamed it the 7mm Dingato.
what kind of load data could you share with me?
07-08-2013, 09:58 PM
what length barrel? i have a 29" 8.4:1
07-08-2013, 11:30 PM
Mine is a 26" so you could/should hit 3250 fpseasily. Around there is where your speed kinda hits a wall without jumping up big amounts of powder. I will PM you some info.
07-10-2013, 12:28 AM
you shooting the 180 berger?
07-12-2013, 01:59 PM
well another learning phase working with this rifle. i have 21 rounds through the barrel which mean little to nothing, because i got a wrong reading of oal length using just a sized down 300 win mag gauge for the hornady set up. my first 9 shots where jammed about 100 thousands, came home with a zeroed gun at least, did some measuring and talked to bill about what is going on, brass was fine, but bullets were going in too far, so i put a bullet in a fired case and shoved it in being all marked up with sharpie i could see where it was pushing it to, so i measured that and got 100 thousands less so i went 103 thousands shorter, took those out and fired them off and still had some issues, came home talked to bill about the gauge and then got a hold of brad and asked him to machine out one of my fired cases to make a clean gauge for me, got that done found out over all i was about 150 thousands jammed with the first 9. now i have a baseline to work from, but even with a sized piece of brass once fired i get resistance closing the bolt, so now we are thinking head space/ shoulder bump which i have never bumped any cases so this is all new. i also sent an e mail to where the reamer came from to try to get a diagram for measurements of my chamber. hope to get this all figured out with in the next few weeks and out shooting again. this gun doesn't kick any more than a 243 liking it so far.
in my pressure test which i am sure numbers are not worth much i went from 73-77 grains with no real pressure problems with velocities ranging from 3050-3222fps, with all 9 shots within 3" at 200 yards.
There is a good thread going on in the wildcat reloading section right now about 7mm/.300 wildcats. Nice looking rifle by the way, how about a build sheet?
08-23-2013, 11:59 AM
I got the rifle back and was able to do some more loading for it. I really like shooting it and cant wait to get out in the field and start shooting some steel and distance with it.
since the last reloading session,
-i have received my hornady headspace gauge so i can have some actual numbers to work with and know how much i am moving the shoulder and where to set my dies.
-i figured out that on the virgin brass i need to chamfer the neck mouths, because when i loaded a bullet into the sace there would be a small bump at the mouth that was catching and rubbing against the chamber when loading. Once i seen this and started chamfering the necks this problem went away. I have been shooting all virgin brass so far and will start using fire formed brass in another 40 rounds or so.
-went to the range and played with some over all lengths OAL and from 0-30 thousands off the lands seem that it likes about 5 thousands off the most, i will try more extreme jump in the near future from 35-55 thousands and see if things get better or worse.
- once i found the OAL i played with charge size and i got the better, workable groups with 76 grains running an average of 3190fps, this was about 1 grain to 1/2 grain under pressure signs(ejector marks) at 81 degrees, 19% hum, 1600' asl, 30.06 baro. I was getting pretty good sd's but i would commonly have one speed reading that was 20-35 fps off and would like to shoot through a good chrony some time just to see what i am actually getting for speed.
I am using fed 215 primers, h 1000, win brass, berger 180 target vld's
scope went from a target kahles 6-24 that i couldn't zero any closer than 500 yards or so due to canted base to their newer k624i which is a 6-24 power ffp scope with more elevation, larger tube and bell. This scope has been very clear and precise adjustments so far with all shooting at 200 yards( load data and zero).
223 4 me
08-26-2013, 07:02 PM
Wow thats a beautiful rig man. A 500 yard zero! Thats Balls....
08-26-2013, 09:31 PM
well it wasn't shot at 500, but i figure it was close to that with 3 mils high at 200 yard zero. the scope has been taken off and switched so i don't have that issue any more. going to add a anti cant device black 35mm to this rig once it shows up and get it all going again.
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