View Full Version : Cover Scent for Coyotes
01-19-2009, 09:18 AM
What are you guys & gals using for cover scent when coyote hunting, if any?
Get you clothes smoked up, is that effective?
Last year I had one come up to within 10 feet of me and never detected my scent (I didn't use cover scent). I was on a field edge, all of a sudden I heard a crunch crunch of the dead grass and there he was, standing 10 feet away looking at my mojo, he never did detect me?
Is that just a super dumb dog or one with a sinus problem?
01-19-2009, 09:54 AM
I use a product called "scent free". I use it to wash my cloths in and spray it on my boots. I even have their bar soap for bathing in.
Cover scent is VERY good but I hate it smelling up my truck after the hunt, the best cover scent Ive found is free. I find it everywhere as Im walking into each set. I especialy like sagebrush, small junipers and cow manure.
As I pass these bushes, I stomp and twist in them and even pull a branch off and rub it all over my cloths. Juniper has a refreshing smell and sagebrush will make me nose go dead but its still better than smelling like a skunk.
If you decide to use cover scents that smell bad, just cary the bottle and open it next to you while you call. dont apply it to yourself, its stinks!! Some people use cotton balls and keep them in containers and then set them in trees next to their set.
I had one coyote pee down my back as I was carrying it out, the hunting was good that day but I sure did smell bad.
01-19-2009, 06:09 PM
i use cedar branches in a tupperware tub,replace every week or so for deer,should work for yotes
01-19-2009, 08:17 PM
Skunk scent on the bottom of your boots will draw in an angry wife, and there is no season on them!!!
01-19-2009, 08:37 PM
Thanks for the input
I like the idea of carrying it with and open when calling
My wife would get upset with essence of cow manure
01-19-2009, 09:16 PM
I simply open a small bottle of Cat-Man-Do trapping lure near me and put a dab on a branch near my speaker, tie a pheasant wing near the speaker and start the calling sequence. Lately the dogs have been real slow to come in and often they never come in. Guess they are not that hungry right now.
01-19-2009, 09:26 PM
My wife would get upset with essence of cow manure
cow manure smells like money to me.
01-19-2009, 09:34 PM
My wife would get upset with essence of cow manure
cow manure smells like money to me.
better get a little closer
I am going to go out on a limb and give you my opinion. Your wasting your time with the cover scents. They can smell you no matter what you put out there. Cut your own odor down is about the best you can do. A dog can chase up a pheasant after being sprayed in the face by a skunk.
01-19-2009, 09:35 PM
Lately the dogs have been real slow to come in and often they never come in. Guess they are not that hungry right now.
I'm a little north of you, hunting in Osage county
Sunday we got one in on the third set up - 15-20 NNW wind - came in when calling against the wind. the dog had a fresh compound break on a rear leg - a mercy killing :)
He was looking for an easy meal!!
01-19-2009, 09:37 PM
cow manure smells like money to me.
I think plumbers say the same thing - interesting!!
01-19-2009, 09:38 PM
My wife would get upset with essence of cow manure
cow manure smells like money to me.
better get a little closer
Whenever Im at the ranch, Im up to my hips in it, Shot PDs from a mound of manure a couple years ago (prone)... Smells good and smells even better when were on our way to market.
01-19-2009, 09:41 PM
manure smells like s&*t to me, ;D
01-19-2009, 09:48 PM
I am going to go out on a limb and give you my opinion. Your wasting your time with the cover scents. They can smell you no matter what you put out there. Cut your own odor down is about the best you can do. A dog can chase up a pheasant after being sprayed in the face by a skunk.
Yes and no
Yes they can still smell you but our goal is "hopefully" overpower our scent so they think we may have left the area.'
Thats the theory Im thinkn
01-19-2009, 09:51 PM
The best way is to always pick days with little wind and call into the breeze. I do believe that the powerful skunk scent will draw a coyote in just out of curiosity. It sure makes them investigate my traps.
I think it depends on how strong the human smell is. There is no way you will ever get them not to smell you. In more buildt up area's they smell people more often and become used to it so to speak. When I trapped them I was not real worried about scent because it would wear off in a few days. If I was to walk in and chech the sets every day I wouldn't catch them very often. Once I learned to check the traps with binoculars I did better. They didn't leave the area only avoided the area's I was in.
01-19-2009, 10:23 PM
manure smells like s&*t to me, ;D
smell your money and think about where its usually carried
01-20-2009, 06:52 AM
mines usually carried in the chest pocket of my jacket
01-20-2009, 09:20 AM
I carry mine next to my jewels, Only a few select people are willing ro reach for it there and and its further away from my nose, I knew you liked the smell of money ;D
01-20-2009, 04:48 PM
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